Сколько учиться на экономиста после 11 класса: Экономист: что это за профессия, какие предметы нужно сдавать на экономиста и сколько учиться?

Поступление на экономиста

Вернуться в раздел Экономика и финансы

Итак, вы решили стать экономистом. Что делать и как не ошибиться на пути к своей мечте? В первую очередь, следует получить аттестат о среднем общем образовании и сдать необходимые ЕГЭ. Допустим, окончание школы для вас – уже совсем не далёкая перспектива, а значит, вам пора готовиться к предстоящим экзаменам.

Известно, что с 2014-2015 учебного года допуском к сдаче ЕГЭ будет служить сочинение по литературе. Успешно пройдя это испытание, необходимо сдать экзамены по математике и русскому языку. Стоит учесть, что математика для экономического образования – профильный предмет, и результаты здесь должны быть предельно высокими. Третья дисциплина определяется учебным заведением: ей может быть либо обществознание, либо иностранный язык.

Следующий важный этап – выбор учебного заведения. Будущие экономисты могут поступить как в колледж, так и в вуз. В первом случае срок обучения составляет 3-4 года в зависимости от того, после 9 или 11 класса зачисляются студенты. Для того чтобы получить высшее экономическое образование нужно учиться в течение 4-6 лет: 4 года – бакалаврам, 5 лет – специалистам, 6 лет – магистрантам.

В среднем или высшем учебном заведении значительно отличаются количество и направления специальностей. Так, в колледжах существуют следующие специальности:

В экономических вузах проходит обучение по иным специальностям и профилям:

Если вы уже определились с тем, где хотите получить экономическое образование  (в вузе или колледже), то вам предстоит выбрать само учебное заведение. У тех, кто решил стать экономистом, много вариантов: в России их готовы обучать более 1400 вузов и около 100 колледжей.

В выборе места учёбы могут помочь не только советы знакомых людей и отзывы на различных сайтах, но и специальные рейтинги учебных заведений. К примеру, существует множество рейтингов экономических вузов. Для большей уверенности можно подать документы сразу в несколько вузов.

Подробно узнать об учебном заведении можно на его сайте. Здесь же есть информация о том, какие документы нужны для поступления и какие льготы могут действовать при зачислении.

Будьте в курсе всех событий, происходящих во время приёмной кампании, уточняйте неясные вопросы у членов приёмных комиссий. Это поможет лучше оценить свои шансы на поступление. Несмотря на то, что желающих стать студентом-экономистом очень много, у по-настоящему целеустремлённых абитуриентов много возможностей для поступления. Главное, набрать максимально возможное для себя количество баллов на ЕГЭ и быть уверенным в собственных силах.

ᐅ Стоит ли учиться на экономиста?

Обучение и образование
Обучение и образование


  • Профессии
    • Технические
      • Геодезист
      • Механик
      • Электрик
      • Автомеханик
      • Тракторист
      • Экскаваторщик
      • Технолог
      • Программист
    • Военные
      • Спасатель
    • Юридические
      • Адвокат
      • Прокурор
      • Полицейский
      • Делопроизводитель
      • Детектив
      • Дипломат
      • Телохранитель
      • Охранник
      • Юрист
      • Политик
      • Таможенник
      • Криминалист
      • Судья
      • Нотариус
      • Следователь
      • Судебный пристав
    • Творческие
      • Флорист
      • Экскурсовод
      • Менеджер по туризму
      • Дизайнер
        • Дизайнер интерьера
        • Графический дизайнер
        • Дизайнер одежды
        • Ландшафтный дизайнер
        • Веб-дизайнер
      • Стилист
      • Парикмахер
      • Визажист
      • Копирайтер
      • Ювелир
      • Танцор
      • Актер
      • Хореограф
      • Фотограф
      • Астролог
      • Модель
      • Художник
      • Режиссер
      • Бизнес-тренер
      • Блогер
      • Балерина
      • Сценарист
      • Ведущий
      • Журналист
    • Медицинские
      • Врач
      • Хирург
      • Судмедэксперт
      • Медсестра
      • Диетолог
      • Психиатр
      • Терапевт
      • Фармацевт
      • Провизор
      • Ветеринар
      • Зубной техник
      • Стоматолог
      • Ассистент стоматолога
      • Косметолог
      • Массажист
      • Логопед
      • Офтальмолог
    • Рабочие
      • Токарь
      • Сварщик
      • Газовый оператор
      • Крановщик
      • Дезинфектор
      • Плотник
      • Кузнец
      • Промышленный альпинист
    • Экономические
      • Кассир
      • Банкир
      • Риэлтор
      • Главный бухгалтер
      • Бухгалтер
      • Продавец
      • Экономист
      • Финансист
      • Маркетолог
      • Менеджер
      • PR-менеджер
      • Страховой агент
      • Трейдер
      • Оценщик
      • Аудитор
      • Логист
      • Налоговый инспектор
      • Товаровед
    • Железнодорожные
      • Машинист
      • Машинист поезда
      • Машинист метро
      • Помощник машиниста
    • Кулинарные
      • Кондитер
      • Повар
      • Официант
      • Шеф-повар
      • Сомелье
      • Бармен
      • Бариста
    • Издательство и полиграфия
      • Печатник
      • Корректор
      • Редактор
      • Переплетчик
      • Верстальщик
    • Авиационные
      • Космонавт
      • Пилот
      • Лётчик
      • Авиадиспетчер
      • Стюардесса
    • Транспортные
      • Таксист
      • Дальнобойщик
      • Автоинструктор
    • После 9 класса
    • После 11 класса
    • Научные
Что изучают на факультете экономики? | Какие экзамены сдают на факультете экономики?
  • Колледж
  • Бакалавриат
  • Второе высшее
  • Специалитет
  • Магистратура
  • Аспирантура
  • Бизнес-образование
Сведения об образовательной организации
  • Абитуриентам
  • Магистратура
  • Специальности
  • Факультеты
  • Приемная комиссия
  • Образование в Дубае
  • Образование для призывников и военнослужащих
  • Отсрочка от армии
  • Образование для мам
  • Отзывы студентов
  • Выпускники
  • Правила приема
  • Оплата обучения
  • Дополнительное образование
  • Программа лояльности
  • Студентам
  • Расписание
  • Личный кабинет студента
  • Оплата обучения
  • Студенческий клуб
  • Библиотека
  • Интеллектуальное шоу
  • Факультеты
  • Юридический
  • Экономики
  • Управления
  • Рекламы
  • Психологии
  • Бизнеса
  • Информационных технологий
  • Лингвистики
  • Банковского дела
  • Спортивного менеджмента
  • Гостиничного и ресторанного бизнеса
  • Интернет-маркетинга
  • Дизайна
  • Физической культуры
  • Театра, кино и телевидения
  • Event-менеджмента
  • Игровой индустрии и киберспорта
  • Арт-академия
  • Бесплатные онлайн-курсы
  • Формы обучения
  • Очная форма
  • Заочная форма
  • Вечерняя форма
  • Выходного дня
  • Онлайн форма
  • MBA
  • Executive MBA
  • Mini-MBA
  • Online-MBA
  • Бизнес-Консалтинг
  • Центр трудоустройства
  • Вакансии
  • Заявка на трудоустройство
  • Контакты Центра Трудоустройства
  • Работодателям
  • Об Университете
  • Жизнь Университета
  • Региональные подразделения
  • Наблюдательный совет
  • Почетные профессора
  • Президиум
  • Ученый совет
  • Образование
  • ЕГЭ и ОГЭ
  • Пресс-центр
  • Партнеры-работодатели
  • Контакты
Личный кабинет абитуриента Телефоны приемной комиссии +7 (495) 800 10 018 800 100 00 11
Как стать экономистом? Какие предметы нужно сдать на экономиста?

Чтобы выбрать будущую профессию, нужно прислушаться к себе. Как правило, человека тянет к определенной сфере деятельности. Если для вас экономика является привлекательной отраслью жизни, то имеет смысл сделать ее своей профессией. Это выгодно, поскольку специалисты зарабатывают большие деньги. Хотя некоторые люди считают, что экономистов чересчур много, а хорошие работники на вес золота.

Экономист является одним из самых важных специалистов любого предприятия. Без него не обойдется ни одно финансовое вложение и составление плана на будущее. Чтобы поступить в университет, нужно знать, какие предметы вам придется сдать.

Какие предметы нужно сдать на экономиста

Какие предметы нужно сдать на экономиста

Для успешного поступления в престижный институт нужно заранее углубленно изучать некоторые дисциплины. Вопрос о том, какие предметы нужно сдать на экономиста, актуален каждый год, поскольку желающих получить образование в этом направлении очень много. Обратите внимание на такие дисциплины:

  • Математика. Этот предмет важен для любого экономиста, ведь эта профессия напрямую связана с цифрами, графиками, формулами и статистическими данными. Если математика для вас слишком сложна, подумайте о выборе другой профессии.
  • Русский язык. Предмет является обязательным при поступлении на любое направление, но для экономиста он имеет особое значение. Это связано с тем, что людям этой профессии приходится много общаться и писать письма. Постановка речи и грамотность специалиста могут как привлечь партнеров для фирмы, так и оттолкнуть их.
  • Обществознание. Дисциплина не тяжелая, но экономист должен быть развитым всесторонне.
  • Иностранный язык. В последнее время работодатели неохотно заключают контракты со специалистами, которые не знают иностранного языка. Особенно это распространяется на экономистов. Любая уважающая себя фирма считает своей гордостью работников, умеющих вести диалог с иностранцами.

Чтобы наверняка узнать, какие предметы нужно сдать на экономиста в учебном заведении, в которое вы хотите поступить, лучше позвонить в приемную комиссию и лично с представителем института обсудить интересующие вопросы.

Как стать экономистом

С чем придется столкнуться в институте

Если вам удалось успешно сдать вступительные экзамены, то вскоре вы поймете, что прошли только самую легкую часть пути. Основные предметы при подготовке экономиста в институте намного сложнее любых предварительных испытаний.

Вам придется изучать философию, политологию, языки, микроэкономику, макроэкономику, различные прикладные экономически науки, инвестиционную деятельность, финансовые дисциплины. Это далеко не полный список, поскольку наличие дополнительных предметов зависит от специальности, на которую вы поступили. Ведь разновидностей профессии экономиста очень много.

Как стать экономистом

Чтобы стать грамотным специалистом, нужно развивать в себе такие личностные качества:

  • Умение выделять нужную информацию и анализировать ее.
  • Память.
  • Способность концентрироваться на нужных вещах.
  • Терпение.
  • Общительность.
  • Способность организовывать коллектив.

От этих качеств, конечно, не зависят ваши шансы поступить в университет, но они повлияют на ваш успех в любимом деле.

Основные предметы при подготовке экономиста

Достоинства и недостатки профессии

Когда вы интересуетесь, какие предметы нужно сдать на экономиста, не забудьте проанализировать особенности данной специализации, чтобы убедиться в вашем желании получить такое образование. Достоинство профессии состоит в том, что финансисты были и остаются самыми востребованными специалистами на рынке труда.

Но есть и недостатки:

  • Часто на собеседованиях требуют опыт работы. Новичку сложно его получить.
  • Для развития навыков понадобится много времени.

Если экономика – это ваша мечта, то вы, несомненно, найдете себя в этой сфере деятельности.

Статьи на тему «Колледж» | Университет СИНЕРГИЯ

  • Колледж
  • Бакалавриат
  • Второе высшее
  • Специалитет
  • Магистратура
  • Аспирантура
  • Бизнес-образование
Сведения об образовательной организации
  • Абитуриентам
  • Магистратура
  • Специальности
  • Факультеты
  • Приемная комиссия
  • Образование в Дубае
  • Образование для призывников и военнослужащих
  • Отсрочка от армии
  • Образование для мам
  • Отзывы студентов
  • Выпускники
  • Правила приема
  • Оплата обучения
  • Дополнительное образование
  • Программа лояльности
  • Студентам
  • Расписание
  • Личный кабинет студента
  • Оплата обучения
  • Студенческий клуб
  • Библиотека
  • Интеллектуальное шоу
  • Факультеты
  • Юридический
  • Экономики
  • Управления
  • Рекламы
  • Психологии
  • Бизнеса
  • Информационных технологий
  • Лингвистики
  • Банковского дела
  • Спортивного менеджмента
  • Гостиничного и ресторанного бизнеса
  • Интернет-маркетинга
  • Дизайна
  • Физической культуры
  • Театра, кино и телевидения
  • Event-менеджмента
  • Игровой индустрии и киберспорта
  • Арт-академия
  • Бесплатные онлайн-курсы
  • Формы обучения
  • Очная форма
  • Заочная форма
  • Вечерняя форма
90000 How to Become Economist, Salary & Degree Requirements 90001 90002 The following article discusses the career path of Economist. Learn about how to become one, education requirements, job duties, traits and qualities, national salary outlook as well as top national employers of Economists. 90003 90004 Economist Job Duties 90005 90002 Economists takes on an advisory role in businesses or governments, guiding them on economical issues. Those issues are wide-ranging and include things such as development, international trade, transportation, energy facts, health statistics, and tax rates.Economists use various computer programs through which they collect their data. They are knowledgeable about survey and sampling techniques and how these enable them to gain the data they require. They then use the data, as well as an evaluation of past economic trends, to create reports that are easy to understand for senior managers. They often have to present these reports to a large audience. 90003 90002 Other job duties of an economist are: 90003 90010 90011 To create and perform research in order to find trends and use this to create forecast models 90012 90011 To take on an advisory role for government, banks, corporations, and agencies, explaining how adopting different financial policies can affect them 90012 90011 To create reports and presentations on research findings 90012 90011 To develop new ways of data processing, sampling, and collection as this relates to trade, commodities, agriculture, labor, finance, and so on 90012 90019 90004 Where Economists Work 90005 90002 According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 21,300 economists in 2016. The largest employers of these professionals are: 90003 90010 90011 Federal government, excluding postal service 22% 90012 90011 Scientific research and development services 17% 90012 90011 Management, scientific, and technical consulting services 15% 90012 90011 State government, excluding education and hospitals 9% 90012 90011 Finance and insurance 7% 90012 90019 90004 How to Become an Economist 90005 90002 Economists usually have at least a bachelor’s degree in economics or a field related to finance.They will have to complete a graduate degree should they wish to work in academic environments. Additionally, they must have a strong analytical mind and be very computer literate, since those two elements are vital to be successful in their role. Furthermore, they must always remain up to date with the latest economic trends, so they must also have a background in conducting research. Strong math, writing, and presentation skills are generally essential requirements. 90003 90002 Entry level positions, particularly with the federal government, are available for those with a bachelor’s degree.Many take on these positions to gain the necessary experience for graduate studies. This will enable them to access more significant career advancement as well. During these degree programs, most aspiring economists complete an internship during which time they have to collect data and analyze it, completing a piece of research on a particular economic issue or trend. They must then compile a detailed report on what they have found. Furthermore, they gain experience in areas such as statistical analysis software and other related fields, which also helps with career development.90003 90004 Economist Education Requirements 90005 90002 Although a bachelor’s degree in economics is the minimum requirement for entry level positions at government level, the majority of economists now hold a master’s degree or even a Ph.D. This is required in many different positions, particularly in international or research organizations and businesses, as they need someone with advanced academic skills. Several years ‘work experience and training in statistical analysis software is also often required.90003 90002 While a bachelor’s degree in economics is a good starting point, those who want to study the subject at graduate level can have a bachelor’s in many other fields. They must have a strong mathematical background, however. Those who complete a Ph.D. have engaged in significant and lengthy research and become specialized in a certain field. 90003 90004 Economist Traits & Qualities 90005 90002 The most effective economists have the following traits to some degree or other: 90003 90002 — Strong analytical skills to see trends and patterns in complex data, drawing logical conclusions after advanced calculations 90053 — Excellent critical thinking skills for solving highly complex problems expected in the future 90053 — Great communication skills, particularly speaking skills, to report on their findings to large audiences.Writing skills for the creation of reports in an easy to understand language are also important. 90003 90004 Minimum Economist Education 90005 90002 Master’s or Ph.D. Degree 90003 90004 National Economist Salary 90005 90002 The national average salary estimate for Economist was $ 97,781. This number is estimated from over 212,936 employees, users past and present job advertisements from Indeed.com. This equates to an hourly salary of $ 50.93 and monthly of $ 8,148. 90003 90010 90011.90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90004 Economist Salary by State 90005 90002 The following section lists Economist salaries in each state around the country. The figures are based on the total number of job postings through Indeed.com. For example, DC had the largest quoted salary of $ 110,027 while Idaho had the smallest quoted salary of $ 51,859.90003 90093 90094 90095 90096 Arizona — $ 71,071 90097 90096 Rank: 15th 90097 90100 90095 90102 The average salary ranks 15th among states in the country. There were also job openings from employers like State of Arizona. 90010 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90097 90100 90095 90096 California — $ 90,732 90097 90096 Rank: 9th 90097 90100 90095 90102 The average salary ranks 9th among states in the country.There were also job openings from employers like Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc., Department of Labor, State of Nevada, and EconOne Research, Inc .. 90010 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90097 90100 90095 90096 Colorado — $ 73,458 90097 90096 Rank: 14th 90097 90100 90095 90102 The average salary ranks 14th among states in the country.There were also job openings from employers like Department of the Interior. 90010 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90097 90100 90095 90096 DC — $ 110,027 90097 90096 Rank: 1st 90097 90100 90095 90102 The average salary ranks 1st among states in the country. There were also job openings from employers like Bates White, LLC, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Legislative Branch, and Internal Revenue Service.90010 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90097 90100 90095 90096 Florida — $ 79,539 90097 90096 Rank: 12th 90097 90100 90095 90102 The average salary ranks 12th among states in the country. There were also job openings from employers like Forex Factory, Inc .. 90010 90011. 90012 90011.90012 90011. 90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90097 90100 90095 90096 Georgia — $ 104,895 90097 90096 Rank: 3rd 90097 90100 90095 90102 The average salary ranks 3rd among states in the country. There were also job openings from employers like Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 90010 90011.90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90097 90100 90095 90096 Idaho — $ 51,859 90097 90096 Rank: 20th 90097 90100 90095 90102 The average salary ranks 20th among states in the country. There were also job openings from employers like IDAHO DEPT. OF LABOR. 90010 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011.90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90097 90100 90095 90096 Illinois — $ 89,868 90097 90096 Rank: 10th 90097 90100 90095 90102 The average salary ranks 10th among states in the country. There were also job openings from employers like John Deere. 90010 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011. 90012 90011.90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90097 90100 90095 90096 Louisiana — $ 63,588 90097 90096 Rank: 17th 90097 90100 90095 90102 The average salary ranks 17th among states in the country. There were also job openings from employers like State of Louisiana. 90010 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011.90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90097 90100 90095 90096 Massachusetts — $ 75,205 90097 90096 Rank: 13th 90097 90100 90095 90102 The average salary ranks 13th among states in the country. There were also job openings from employers like Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Transportation, Department of Labor, and Cape Cod Times Classified Ads. 90010 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011.90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90097 90100 90095 90096 Maryland — $ 91,131 90097 90096 Rank: 8th 90097 90100 90095 90102 The average salary ranks 8th among states in the country. There were also job openings from employers like Department of Health and Human Services, Social Security Administration, Department of Homeland Security, and U.S. Government. 90010 90011.90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90097 90100 90095 90096 Missouri — $ 96,101 90097 90096 Rank: 4th 90097 90100 90095 90102 The average salary ranks 4th among states in the country. There were also job openings from employers like Department of Agriculture and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. 90010 90011.90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90097 90100 90095 90096 North Carolina — $ 95,050 90097 90096 Rank: 5th 90097 90100 90095 90102 The average salary ranks 5th among states in the country. There were also job openings from employers like Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 90010 90011. 90012 90011.90012 90011. 90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90097 90100 90095 90096 Nebraska — $ 61,916 90097 90096 Rank: 18th 90097 90100 90095 90102 The average salary ranks 18th among states in the country. There were also job openings from employers like State of Nebraska. 90010 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011.90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90097 90100 90095 90096 New Mexico — $ 60,325 90097 90096 Rank: 19th 90097 90100 90095 90102 The average salary ranks 19th among states in the country. There were also job openings from employers like State of New Mexico. 90010 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011.90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90097 90100 90095 90096 New York — $ 109,193 90097 90096 Rank: 2nd 90097 90100 90095 90102 The average salary ranks 2nd among states in the country. There were also job openings from employers like NYC Independent Budget Office, Department of Labor, Department of Finance, and Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 90010 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011.90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90097 90100 90095 90096 Oregon — $ 67,225 90097 90096 Rank: 16th 90097 90100 90095 90102 The average salary ranks 16th among states in the country. There were also job openings from employers like Department of Labor and State of Oregon. 90010 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011.90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90097 90100 90095 90096 Texas — $ 80,327 90097 90096 Rank: 11th 90097 90100 90095 90102 The average salary ranks 11th among states in the country. There were also job openings from employers like Houston-Galveston Area Council and Texas Workforce Commission. 90010 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011.90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90097 90100 90095 90096 Virginia — $ 91,623 90097 90096 Rank: 7th 90097 90100 90095 90102 The average salary ranks 7th among states in the country. There were also job openings from employers like Transportation Security Administration, Department of the Interior, U.S. Department of State, and Inlabora. 90010 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011.90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90097 90100 90095 90096 Washington — $ 93,674 90097 90096 Rank: 6th 90097 90100 90095 90102 The average salary ranks 6th among states in the country. There were also job openings from employers like City of Seattle and Amazon.com. 90010 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011 90072 Most Reported 90012 90011.90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90011. 90012 90019 90002 Salary Distribution 90003 90097 90100 90795 90796 90004 Top 20 National Economist Employers 90005 90002 According to Indeed.com, the following states had employers looking to hire a Economist. The quoted salary figure represents the average salary from all job postings by this employer. 90003 90093 90802 90095 90100 90805 90094 90095 90096 John Deere Economist 90097 90096 Illinois 90097 90096 $ 253,440 90097 90100 90095 90096 Bates White, LLC Economist 90097 90096 DC 90097 90096 $ 184,975 90097 90100 90095 90096 Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economist 90097 90096 Massachusetts 90097 90096 $ 183,705 90097 90100 90095 90096 Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis Economist 90097 90096 Missouri 90097 90096 $ 148,211 90097 90100 90095 90096 Selby Jennings Economist 90097 90096 New York 90097 90096 $ 142,069 90097 90100 90095 90096 U.S. Department of State Economist 90097 90096 Virginia 90097 90096 $ 133,410 90097 90100 90095 90096 Legislative Branch Economist 90097 90096 DC 90097 90096 $ 127,650 90097 90100 90095 90096 EconOne Research, Inc. Economist 90097 90096 California 90097 90096 $ 126,429 90097 90100 90095 90096 Internal Revenue Service Economist 90097 90096 DC 90097 90096 $ 120,820 90097 90100 90095 90096 Department of Justice Economist 90097 90096 DC 90097 90096 $ 120,309 90097 90100 90095 90096 Amazon.com Economist 90097 90096 Washington 90097 90096 $ 119,848 90097 90100 90095 90096 IMPAQ International Economist 90097 90096 DC 90097 90096 $ 118,983 90097 90100 90095 90096 Fannie Mae Economist 90097 90096 DC 90097 90096 $ 118,157 90097 90100 90095 90096 Inlabora Economist 90097 90096 Virginia 90097 90096 $ 117,562 90097 90100 90095 90096 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Economist 90097 90096 DC 90097 90096 $ 115,129 90097 90100 90095 90096 Office of the Secretary of Transportation Economist 90097 90096 DC 90097 90096 $ 113,841 90097 90100 90795 90796 90004 Economist Learn More 90005 90093 90802 90095 90100 90805 90094 90095 90096 Security Engineer 90097 90096 $ 103,459 90097 90100 90095 90096 Technical Project Manager 90097 90096 $ 100,971 90097 90100 90095 90096 Director of Finance 90097 90096 $ 99,996 90097 90100 90095 90096 Finance Director 90097 90096 $ 99,963 90097 90100 90095 90096 Director of Security 90097 90096 $ 99,822 90097 90100 90095 90096 Operations Officer 90097 90096 $ 96,045 90097 90100 90095 90096 Director of Nursing 90097 90096 $ 95,821 90097 90100 90095 90096 Business Intelligence Developer 90097 90096 $ 95,026 90097 90100 90095 90096 Disaster Recovery Manager 90097 90096 $ 94,956 90097 90100 90095 90096 Controller 90097 90096 $ 94,750 90097 90100 90795 90796 .90000 Career, Salary and Education Information 90001 90002 Career, Salary and Education Information 90003 90004 What They Do: Economists collect and analyze data, research trends, and evaluate economic issues for resources, goods, and services. 90005 90004 Work Environment: Although the majority of economists work independently in an office, many collaborate with other economists and statisticians. Most economists work full time during regular business hours, but occasionally they work overtime to meet deadlines.90005 90004 How to Become One: Most economists need a master’s degree or Ph.D. However, some entry-level jobs-primarily in the federal government-are available for workers with a bachelor’s degree. 90005 90004 Salary: The median annual wage for economists is $ 105,020. 90005 90004 Job Outlook: Employment of economists is projected to grow 8 percent over the next ten years, faster than the average for all occupations. Job prospects should be best for those with a master’s degree or Ph.D., strong analytical skills, and experience using statistical analysis software. 90005 90004 Related Careers: Compare the job duties, education, job growth, and pay of economists with similar occupations. 90005 90004 Following is everything you need to know about a career as an economist with lots of details. As a first step, take a look at some of the following jobs, which are real jobs with real employers. You will be able to see the very real job career requirements for employers who are actively hiring.The link will open in a new tab so that you can come back to this page to continue reading about the career: 90005 90002 Top 3 Economist Jobs 90003 90020 90021 90022 Economist 90023 — 90024 WiL, LLC 90025 — 90026 Palo Alto, CA 90027 90004 ECONOMIST WiL, LLC is hiring an Economist for its Palo Alto office. Master’s degree required.Occasional U.S. and international travel required. Mail resumes to HR, WiL, 102 University Ave., # 1A … 90005 90030 90021 90022 Economist 90023 — 90024 FEMA 90025 — 90026 Washington, DC 90027 90004 Duties Summary The ideal candidate for this position will be an experienced technical adviser on complex issues related to the economic analysis requirements of laws, regulations, and Executive… 90005 90030 90021 90022 Senior Economist 90023 — 90024 Growth Destiny LLC 90025 — 90026 Dallas, TX 90027 90004 Our Senior Economist will use Growth Destiny’s proprietary model in conjunction with outside data sources to develop labor market and occupational insights, share these insights with the press … 90005 90030 90051 90004 See all Economist jobs 90005 90004 Economists study the production and distribution of resources, goods, and services by collecting and analyzing data, researching trends, and evaluating economic issues.90005 90002 Duties of Economists 90003 90004 Economists typically do the following: 90005 90020 90021 Research economic issues 90030 90021 Conduct surveys and collect data 90030 90021 Analyze data using mathematical models, statistical techniques, and software 90030 90021 Present research results in reports, tables, and charts 90030 90021 Interpret and forecast market trends 90030 90021 Advise businesses, governments, and individuals on economic topics 90030 90021 Recommend solutions to economic problems 90030 90021 Write articles for academic journals and other media 90030 90051 90004 Economists apply both qualitative and quantitative economic analysis to topics within a variety of fields, such as education, health, development, and the environment.Some economists study the cost of products, healthcare, or energy, while others examine employment levels, business cycles, exchange rates, taxes, inflation, or interest rates. 90005 90004 Economists often study historical trends and use them to make forecasts. They research and analyze data using a variety of software programs. They sometimes present their research to various audiences. 90005 90004 Many economists work in federal, state, and local government. Federal government economists collect and analyze data about the U.S. economy, including employment, prices, productivity, and wages, among other types of data. They also project spending needs and inform policymakers on the economic impact of laws and regulations. 90005 90004 Economists working for corporations help managers and decisionmakers understand how the economy will affect their business. Specifically, economists may analyze issues such as consumer demand and sales to help a company maximize its profits. 90005 90004 Economists also work for international organizations, research firms, and think tanks, where they study and analyze a variety of economic issues.Their analyses and forecasts are frequently published in newspapers and journals. 90005 90004 Many PhD economists become postsecondary teachers. 90005 90004 Economists hold about 21,000 jobs. The largest employers of economists are as follows: 90005 90092 90093 90094 90095 Federal government, excluding postal service 90096 90095 22% 90096 90099 90094 90095 Scientific research and development services 90096 90095 19% 90096 90099 90094 90095 Management, scientific, and technical consulting services 90096 90095 13% 90096 90099 90094 90095 State government, excluding education and hospitals 90096 90095 9% 90096 90099 90094 90095 Finance and insurance 90096 90095 6% 90096 90099 90124 90125 90004 Economists typically work independently in an office.However, many economists collaborate with other economists and statisticians, sometimes working on teams. Some economists work from home, and others may be required to travel as part of their job or to attend conferences. 90005 90004 Economists spend much of their time using computers to analyze data, review research, or write findings. 90005 90002 Economist Work Schedules 90003 90004 Most economists work full time. In addition to working full time at a business or university, some economists consult part-time.Some perform work that may require overtime hours. 90005 90004 90022 Get the education you need: 90023 Find schools for Economists near you! 90005 90004 Most economists need a master’s degree or Ph.D. However, some entry-level jobs-primarily in government-are available for workers with a bachelor’s degree. 90005 This form requires javascript. 90002 Education for Economists 90003 90004 A master’s degree or Ph.D. is required for most economist jobs.Positions in business, research, or international organizations often require a combination of graduate education and work experience. In addition, courses that introduce students to statistical analysis software are helpful. 90005 90004 Students can pursue an advanced degree in economics with a bachelor’s degree in a number of fields, but a strong background in mathematics is essential. A Ph.D. in economics may require several years of study after earning a bachelor’s degree, including completion of detailed research in a specialty field.90005 90004 Candidates with a bachelor’s degree may qualify for some entry-level economist positions, including jobs with the federal government. An advanced degree is sometimes required for advancement to higher level positions. 90005 90002 Other Experience for Economists 90003 90004 Aspiring economists can gain valuable experience from internships where the work involves gathering and analyzing data, researching economic issues and trends, and writing reports on their findings.In addition, related experience, such as using statistical analysis software, can be advantageous. 90005 90002 Important Qualities for Economists 90003 90004 90022 90026 Analytical skills. 90027 90023 Economists must be able to review data in detail, observe patterns, perform advanced calculations, and draw logical conclusions. For example, labor economists analyze the effects of labor policies on employment. 90005 90004 90022 90026 Critical-thinking skills. 90027 90023 Economists must be able to use logic and reasoning to solve complex problems.For instance, they might identify how economic trends may affect an organization. 90005 90004 90022 90026 Speaking skills. 90027 90023 Economists must be able to explain their work to others. They often give presentations and explain reports to clients who may not have a background in economics. 90005 90004 90022 90026 Writing skills. 90027 90023 Economists must be able to present their findings clearly. Many economists prepare reports for colleagues or clients; others write for publication in journals or for news media.90005 90004 The median annual wage for economists is $ 105,020. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $ 59,450, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $ 185,020. 90005 90004 The median annual wages for economists in the top industries in which they work are as follows: 90005 90092 90093 90094 90095 Finance and insurance 90096 90095 $ 120,770 90096 90099 90094 90095 Federal government, excluding postal service 90096 90095 $ 119,580 90096 90099 90094 90095 Scientific research and development services 90096 90095 $ 114,140 90096 90099 90094 90095 Management, scientific, and technical consulting services 90096 90095 $ 108,190 90096 90099 90094 90095 State government, excluding education and hospitals 90096 90095 $ 73,400 90096 90099 90124 90125 90004 Most economists work full time.Some perform work that may require overtime hours. 90005 90004 Employment of economists is projected to grow 8 percent over the next ten years, faster than the average for all occupations. 90005 90004 Businesses and organizations across many industries use economic analysis and quantitative methods to analyze and forecast business, sales, and other economic trends. Demand for economists should come from the increasing complexity of the global economy, additional financial regulations, and a more competitive business environment.90005 90002 Job Prospects for Economists 90003 90004 In general, job opportunities should be good. Job prospects should be best for those with a master’s degree or Ph.D., strong analytical skills, and experience using statistical analysis software. 90005 90004 Applicants with a bachelor’s degree may face strong competition for jobs. As a result, bachelor’s degree holders will likely find jobs in other occupations. 90005 90092 90229 Employment projections data for Economists, 2018-28 90230 90231 90094 90233 Occupational Title 90234 90233 Employment, 2018 90234 90233 Projected Employment, 2028 90234 90239 Change, 2018-28 90234 90099 90094 90243 Percent 90234 90243 Numeric 90234 90099 90248 90093 90094 90243 Economists 90234 90095 21,000 90096 90095 22,800 90096 90095 8 90096 90095 1,700 90096 90099 90124 90125 90264 Actuaries 90265 90004 Actuaries analyze the financial costs of risk and uncertainty.They use mathematics, statistics, and financial theory to assess the risk of potential events, and they help businesses and clients develop policies that minimize the cost of that risk. Actuaries ‘work is essential to the insurance industry. 90005 90264 Budget Analysts 90265 90004 Budget analysts help public and private institutions organize their finances. They prepare budget reports and monitor institutional spending. 90005 90264 Financial Analysts 90265 90004 Financial analysts provide guidance to businesses and individuals making investment decisions.They assess the performance of stocks, bonds, and other types of investments. 90005 90264 Market Research Analysts 90265 90004 Market research analysts study market conditions to examine potential sales of a product or service. They help companies understand what products people want, who will buy them, and at what price. 90005 90264 Mathematicians and Statisticians 90265 90004 Mathematicians and statisticians analyze data and apply mathematical and statistical techniques to help solve real-world problems in business, engineering, healthcare, or other fields.90005 90264 Operations Research Analysts 90265 90004 Operations research analysts use advanced mathematical and analytical methods to help organizations investigate complex issues, identify and solve problems, and make better decisions. 90005 90264 Political Scientists 90265 90004 Political scientists study the origin, development, and operation of political systems. They research political ideas and analyze governments, policies, political trends, and related issues. 90005 90264 Postsecondary Teachers 90265 90004 Postsecondary teachers instruct students in a wide variety of academic and technical subjects beyond the high school level.They may also conduct research and publish scholarly papers and books. 90005 90264 Survey Researchers 90265 90004 Survey researchers design and conduct surveys and analyze data. Surveys are used to collect factual data, such as employment and salary information, or to ask questions in order to understand people’s opinions, preferences, beliefs, or desires. 90005 90264 Urban and Regional Planners 90265 90004 Urban and regional planners develop land use plans and programs that help create communities, accommodate population growth, and revitalize physical facilities in towns, cities, counties, and metropolitan areas.90005 90004 A portion of the information on this page is used by permission of the U.S. Department of Labor. 90005 90306 90264 Explore more careers: 90022 View all Careers 90023 or the 90022 Top 30 Career Profiles 90023 90265 90306 .90000 There’s more to mathematics than grades and exams and methods 90001 90002 90003 90004 When you have mastered numbers, you will in fact no longer be reading numbers, any more than you read words when reading books. You will be reading meanings. 90005 (Harold Geneen, «Managing») 90006 90007 90003 When learning mathematics as an undergraduate student, there is often a heavy emphasis on grade averages, and on exams which often emphasize memorisation of techniques and theory than on actual conceptual understanding, or on either intellectual or intuitive thought.There are good reasons for this; there is a certain amount of theory and technique that must be practiced before one can really get anywhere in mathematics (much as there is a certain amount of drill required before one can play a musical instrument well). It does not matter how much innate mathematical talent and intuition you have; if you are unable to, say, compute a multidimensional integral, manipulate matrix equations, understand abstract definitions, or correctly set up a proof by induction, then it is unlikely that you will be able to work effectively with higher mathematics.90006 90003 However, as you transition to graduate school you will see that there is a higher level of learning (and more importantly, 90004 doing 90005) mathematics, which requires more of your intellectual faculties than merely the ability to memorise and study, or to copy an existing argument or worked example. This often necessitates that one discards (or at least revises) many undergraduate study habits; there is a much greater need for self-motivated study and experimentation to advance your own understanding, than to simply focus on artificial benchmarks such as examinations.90006 90003 It is also worth noting that even one’s own personal benchmarks, such as the number of theorems and proofs from you have memorised, or how quickly one can solve qualifying exam problems, should also not be overemphasised in one’s personal study at the expense of actually learning the underlying mathematics, lest one fall prey to Goodhart’s law. Such metrics can be useful as a rough assessment of your understanding of a subject, but they should not become the primary goal of one’s study.90006 90003 Whereas at the undergraduate level and below one is mostly taught highly developed and polished theories of mathematics, which were mostly worked out decades or even centuries ago, at the graduate level you will begin to see the cutting-edge, «live» stuff — and it may be significantly different (and more fun) to what you are used to as an undergraduate! (But you can not skip the undergraduate step — you have to learn to walk before attempting to fly.) 90006 90003 See also «there’s more to mathematics than rigour and proofs».90006 90003 I also recommend Keith Devlin’s opinion piece «In Math You Have to Remember; In Other Subjects You Can Think About it «. (Note: the title of the piece is actually the opposite of Devlin’s (and my) opinion; read the article for the explanation.) 90006 90022 Like this: 90023 90003 Like Loading … 90006.90000 How to Study Smart: 20 Scientific Ways to Learn Faster 90001 90002 90003 90003 90005 90002 168. 90005 90002 That’s how many hours there are in one week. 90005 90002 If you’re a student, you probably feel like this is not enough. 90005 90002 I know … You have so many assignments to do, projects to work on, and tests to study for. 90005 90002 Plus, you have other activities and commitments. 90005 90002 And you want to have a social life, too. 90005 90002 Would not it be nice if you could study smarter (90019 not 90020 harder), get good grades, and lead a balanced life? 90005 90002 Of course it would.That’s why I wrote this article. 90005 90002 The main aim of education is not to get straight A’s. But learning how to learn is a vital life skill. 90005 90002 So I spent hours scouring scientific articles and research journals to find the best ways to learn more effectively. 90005 90002 I’m a lifelong straight-A student myself, and I have since completed my formal education. Over the course of my academic career, I’ve used almost all the tips outlined in this article, so I can verify that they work.90005 90002 Let’s get started. Here are 20 scientific ways to learn faster. 90005 90032 90033 1. Learn the same information in a variety of ways. 90034 90035 90002 The research (Willis, J. 2008) shows that different media stimulate different parts of the brain. The more areas of the brain that are activated, the more likely it is that you’ll understand and retain the information. 90037 [1] 90038 90005 90002 So to learn a specific topic, you could do the following: 90005 90042 90043 Read the class notes 90044 90043 Read the textbook 90044 90043 Watch a Khan Academy video 90044 90043 Look up other online resources 90044 90043 Create a mind map 90044 90043 Teach someone what you’ve learned 90044 90043 Do practice problems from a variety of sources 90044 90057 90002 Of course, you will not be able to do all of these things in one sitting.But each time you review the topic, use a different resource or method — you’ll learn faster this way. 90005 90032 90033 2. Study multiple subjects each day, rather than focusing on just one or two subjects. 90034 90035 90002 It’s more effective to study multiple subjects each day to help you stay focused, than to deep-dive into one or two subjects (Rohrer, D. 2012). 90037 [2] 90038 90005 90002 For example, if you’re preparing for exams in math, history, physics, and chemistry, it’s better to study a bit of each subject every day.This approach will help you to learn faster than by focusing on just math on Monday, history on Tuesday, physics on Wednesday, chemistry on Thursday, and so on. 90005 90002 Why? 90005 90002 Because you’re likely to confuse similar information if you study a lot of the same subject in one day. 90005 90002 So as a tip to learn faster, spread out your study time for each subject. In so doing, your brain will have more time to consolidate your learning. 90005 90032 90033 3. Review the information periodically, instead of cramming.90034 90035 90002 Periodic review is essential if you want to move information from your short-term memory to your long-term memory. This will help you get better exam grades. 90005 90002 As the research (Cepeda, N. 2008) shows, periodic review beats cramming hands-down. 90037 [3] 90038 90005 90002 The optimal review interval varies, depending on how long you want to retain the information. But experience — both my own and through working with students — tells me that the following review intervals work well (I explain the entire periodic review system in this article): 90005 90042 90043 1st review: 1 day after learning the new information 90044 90043 2nd review: 3 days after the 1st review 90044 90043 3rd review: 7 days after the 2nd review 90044 90043 4th review: 21 days after the 3rd review 90044 90043 5th review: 30 days after the 4th review 90044 90043 6th review: 45 days after the 5th review 90044 90043 7th review: 60 days after the 6th review 90044 90057 90032 90033 4.Sit at the front of the class. 90034 90035 90002 90109 90109 90005 90002 If you get to choose where you sit during class, grab a seat at the front. Studies show that students who sit at the front tend to get higher exam scores (Rennels & Chaudhari, 1988). The average scores of students, depending on where they sat in class, are as follows (Giles, 1982): 90005 90042 90043 Front rows: 80% 90044 90043 Middle rows: 71.6% 90044 90043 Back rows: 68.1% 90044 90057 90002 These findings were obtained under conditions where the seating positions were teacher-assigned.90037 [4] 90038 This means it’s 90019 not 90020 just a case of the more motivated students choosing to sit at the front, and the less motivated students choosing to sit at the back. 90005 90002 By sitting at the front, you’ll be able to see the board and hear the teacher more clearly, and your concentration will improve too. 90005 90002 Now you know where the best seats in class are! 90005 90032 90033 5. Do not multitask. 90034 90035 90002 The data is conclusive: Multitasking makes you less productive, more distracted, and 90019 dumber.90020 90037 [5] 90038 90037 [6] 90038 90037 [7] 90038 The studies even show that people who claim to be good at multitasking are not actually better at it than the average person. 90005 90002 Effective students focus on just one thing at a time. So do not try to study while also intermittently replying to text messages, watching TV, and checking your Twitter feed. 90005 90002 Here are some suggestions to improve your concentration: 90005 90042 90043 Turn off notifications on your phone 90044 90043 Put your phone away, or turn it to airplane mode 90044 90043 Log out of all instant messaging programs 90044 90043 Turn off the Internet access on your computer 90044 90043 Use an app like Freedom 90044 90043 Close all of your Internet browser windows that are not related to the assignment you’re working on 90044 90043 Clear the clutter from your study area 90044 90057 90032 90033 6.Simplify, summarize, and compress the information. 90034 90035 90002 Use mnemonic devices like acronyms, as these are proven to increase learning efficiency. 90037 [8] 90038 90005 90002 90175 Example # 1 90176 90005 90002 If you want to memorize the electromagnetic spectrum in order of increasing frequency, you could use this acronym / sentence: 90005 90002 90033 R 90034 aging 90033 M 90034 artians 90033 I 90034 nvaded 90033 V 90034 enus 90033 U 90034 sing 90033 X 90034 -ray 90033 G 90034 uns 90005 90002 (In order of increasing frequency, the electromagnetic spectrum is: 90033 R 90034 adio, 90033 M 90034 icrowave, 90033 I 90034 nfrared, 90033 V 90034 isible, 90033 U 90034 ltraviolet, 90033 X 90034 -rays, 90033 G 90034 amma rays.) 90005 90002 90175 Example # 2 90176 90005 90002 Question: Stalactites and stalagmites — which ones grow from the top of the cave and which ones grow from the ground? 90005 90002 Answer: Stalac 90033 90175 t 90176 90034 ites grow from the 90033 90175 t 90176 90034 op, while stala 90033 90175 g 90176 90034 mites grow from the 90033 90175 g 90176 90034 round. 90005 90002 Study smart by using mnemonic devices whenever possible. In addition, you could summarize the information into a comparison table, diagram, or mind map.90037 [9] 90038 These tools will help you learn the information much faster. 90005 90032 90033 7. Take notes by hand, instead of using your laptop. 90034 90035 90002 Scientists recommend this, and not just because you’re more likely to give in to online distractions when using your laptop. Even when laptops are used 90019 only 90020 for note-taking, learning is less effective (Mueller, P. 2013). 90037 [10] 90038 90005 90002 Why? 90005 90002 Because students who take notes by hand tend to process and reframe the information.90005 90002 In contrast, laptop note-takers tend to write down what the teacher says word-for-word, without first processing the information. 90005 90002 As such, students who take notes by hand perform better in tests and exams. 90005 90032 90033 8. Write down your worries. 90034 90035 90002 90263 90263 90005 90002 90019 Will I do well on this exam? 90020 90005 90002 90019 What if I forget the key concepts and equations? 90020 90005 90002 90019 What if the exam is harder than expected? 90020 90005 90002 These kinds of thoughts probably run through your head before you take an exam.But if these thoughts run wild, the accompanying anxiety can affect your grades. 90005 90002 Here’s the solution … 90005 90002 In one experiment, 90037 [11] 90038 researchers at the University of Chicago discovered that students who wrote about their feelings about an upcoming exam for 10 minutes performed better than students who did not. The researchers say that this technique is especially effective for habitual worriers. 90005 90002 Psychologist Kitty Klein has also shown that expressive writing, in the form of journaling, improves memory and learning.90037 [12] 90038 Klein explains that such writing allows students to express their negative feelings, which helps them to be less distracted by these feelings. 90005 90002 To be less anxious, take 10 minutes and write down all the things related to the upcoming exam that you’re worried about. As a result of this simple exercise, you’ll get better grades. 90005 90032 90033 9. Test yourself frequently. 90034 90035 90002 Decades of research has shown that self-testing is crucial if you want to improve your academic performance.90037 [13] 90038 90005 90002 In one experiment, University of Louisville psychologist Keith Lyle taught the same statistics course to two groups of undergraduates. 90005 90002 For the first group, Lyle asked the students to complete a four- to six-question quiz at the end of each lecture. The quiz was based on material he’d just covered. 90005 90002 For the second group, Lyle did not give the students any quizzes. 90005 90002 At the end of the course, Lyle discovered that the first group significantly outperformed the second on all four midterm exams.90005 90002 So do not just passively read your textbook or your class notes. Study smart by quizzing yourself on the key concepts and equations. And as you prepare for a test, do as many practice questions as you can from different sources. 90005 90032 90033 10. Connect what you’re learning with something you already know. 90034 90035 90002 In their book, 90019 Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning 90020, scientists Henry Roediger III and Mark A. McDaniel explain that the more strongly you relate new concepts to concepts you already understand, the faster you’ll learn the new information .90037 [14] 90038 90005 90002 For example, if you’re learning about electricity, you could relate it to the flow of water. Voltage is akin to water pressure, current is akin to the flow rate of water, a battery is akin to a pump, and so on. 90005 90002 Another example: You can think of white blood cells as «soldiers» that defend our body against diseases, which are the «enemies.» 90005 90002 It takes time and effort to think about how to connect new information to what you already know, but the investment is worth it.90005 90032 90033 11. Read key information out loud. 90034 90035 90002 Studies have been conducted, which demonstrate that reading information out loud helps students to learn faster than by reading silently (MacLeod CM 2010 & Ozubko JD, 2010). 90037 [15] 90038 90037 [16] 90038 90005 90002 What’s the reason for this? 90005 90002 When you read information out loud, you both see and hear it. On the other hand, when you read information silently, you only see it. 90005 90002 It is not practical to read every single word of every single set of notes out loud.That would take way too much time. 90005 90002 So here’s the process I recommend: 90005 90002 90175 Step 1 90176: As you read your notes, underline the key concepts / equations. Do not stop to memorize these key concepts / equations; underline them and move on. 90005 90002 90175 Step 2 90176: After you’ve completed Step 1 for the entire set of notes, go back to the underlined parts and read each key concept / equation out loud as many times as you deem necessary. Read each concept / equation slowly.90005 90002 90175 Step 3 90176: After you’ve done this for each of the underlined key concepts / equations, take a three-minute break. 90005 90002 90175 Step 4 90176: When your three-minute break is over, go to each underlined concept / equation one at a time, and cover it (either with your hand or a piece of paper). Test yourself to see if you’ve actually memorized it. 90005 90002 90175 Step 5 90176: For the concepts / equations that you have not successfully memorized, repeat Steps 2, 3, and 4.90005 90032 90033 12. Take regular study breaks. 90034 90035 90002 90369 90369 90005 90002 Taking regular study breaks enhances overall productivity and improves focus (Ariga & Lleras, 2011). 90037 [17] 90038 90005 90002 That’s why it is not a good idea to hole yourself up in your room for six hours straight to study for an exam. You might feel like you get a lot done this way, but the research proves otherwise. So take a 5 to 10-minute break for every 40 minutes of work. 90005 90002 I recommend that you use a timer or stopwatch to remind you when to take a break and when to get back to studying.90005 90002 During your break, refrain from using your phone or computer, because these devices prevent your mind from fully relaxing. 90005 90032 90033 13. Reward yourself at the end of each study session. 90034 90035 90002 Before starting a study session, set a specific reward for completing the session. By doing this, you’ll promote memory formation and learning (Adcock RA, 2006). 90037 [18] 90038 90005 90002 The reward could be something as simple as: 90005 90042 90043 Going for a short walk 90044 90043 Eating a healthy snack 90044 90043 Listening to your favorite music 90044 90043 Stretching 90044 90043 Doing a couple of sets of exercise 90044 90043 Playing a musical instrument 90044 90043 Taking a shower 90044 90057 90002 Reward yourself at the end of every session — you’ll study smarter and learn faster.90005 90032 90033 14. Focus on the process, not the outcome. 90034 90035 90002 Students who succeed in school concentrate on learning the information, not on trying to get a certain grade. 90005 90002 Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck’s research shows that these students … 90037 [19] 90038 90005 90042 90043 Focus on effort, not the end result 90044 90043 Focus on the process, not on achievement 90044 90043 Believe they can improve — even in their weak subjects — as long as they put in the time and hard work 90044 90043 Embrace challenges 90044 90043 Define success as pushing themselves to learn something new, not as getting straight A’s 90044 90057 90002 Not-so-successful students tend to set 90019 performance goals 90020, while successful students tend to set 90019 learning goals.90020 90037 [20] 90038 90005 90002 What’s the difference between these two types of goals? 90005 90002 Performance goals (e.g. getting 90% on the next math test, getting into a top-ranked school) are about looking intelligent and proving yourself to others. 90005 90002 In contrast, learning goals (e.g. doing three algebra problems every other day, learning five new French words a day) are about mastery and growth. 90005 90002 Most schools emphasize the importance of getting a certain exam score or passing a certain number of subjects.Ironically, if you want to meet — and surpass — these standards, you’d be better off ignoring the desired outcome and concentrating on the learning process instead. 90005 90032 90033 15. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. 90034 90035 90002 90453 90453 90005 90002 You probably think you drink enough water, but studies show that up to 75% of people are in a chronic state of dehydration. 90037 [21 90038 90037] 90038 90005 90002 Dehydration is bad for your brain — and your exam grades too.90005 90002 University of East London researchers have found that your brain’s overall mental processing power decreases when you’re dehydrated (Edmonds, C. 2013). 90037 [22] 90038 Further research has shown that dehydration even causes the grey matter in your brain to shrink. 90037 [23] 90038 90005 90002 The simple solution? 90005 90002 Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Bring a water bottle wherever you go, and drink water 90019 before 90020 you start to feel thirsty. 90005 90002 And if you’re taking an exam, bring a water bottle with you.Every 40 minutes or so, drink some water. This will help you stay hydrated and improve your exam performance. Plus, this also acts as a short break to refresh your mind. 90005 90032 90033 16. Exercise at least three times a week. 90034 90035 90002 Exercise is good for your body. It’s also 90019 very good 90020 for your brain. 90005 90002 Various studies have shown that exercise … 90005 90042 90043 Improves your memory 90037 [24] 90038 90044 90043 Improves your brain function 90037 [25] 90038 90037 [26] 90038 90044 90043 Reduces the occurrence of depression 90044 90043 Helps to prevent diseases like diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis 90044 90043 Enhances your sleep quality 90044 90043 Reduces stress 90044 90043 Improves your mood 90037 [27] 90038 90044 90057 90002 Exercise is quite the miracle drug! 90005 90002 So to study smarter, exercise at least three times a week for 30 to 45 minutes each time.You’ll be healthier and more energetic, and you’ll remember information better too. 90005 90032 90033 17. Sleep at least eight hours a night, and do not pull all-nighters. 90034 90035 90002 I’ve spoken to and worked with 20,000 students so far. Not a 90019 single one 90020 has told me that he or she consistently gets eight hours of sleep a night. 90005 90002 «There’s just so much to do,» I hear students say, again and again. As a student, sleep often seems more like a luxury than a necessity.90005 90002 But what does the research have to say about sleep? 90005 90002 The research shows that if you get enough sleep, you’ll be more focused, you’ll learn faster, 90037 [28] 90038 and your memory will improve. 90037 [29] 90038 You’ll also deal with stress more effectively. 90037 [30] 90038 90005 90002 This is a recipe for excellent grades. 90005 90002 So sleep at least eight hours a night. This way, your study sessions will be more productive and you will not need to spend as much time hitting the books.90005 90002 In addition, sleep expert Dan Taylor says that learning the most difficult material immediately before going to bed makes it easier to recall the next day. 90037 [31] 90038 So whenever possible, arrange your schedule such that you study the hardest topic right before you sleep. 90005 90002 Lastly, do not pull all-nighters. As psychologist Pamela Thacher’s research shows, students who pull all-nighters get lower grades and make more careless mistakes. 90037 [32] 90038 90005 90032 90033 18.Eat blueberries. 90034 90035 90002 90553 90553 90005 90002 Blueberries are rich in flavanoids, which strengthen connections in the brain and stimulate the regeneration of brain cells. 90005 90002 Researchers at the University of Reading have found that eating blueberries improves both short-term and long-term memory (Whyte, A. & Williams, C. 2014 року). 90037 [33] 90038 90037 [34] 90038 Blueberries may also help to prevent degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. 90005 90032 90033 19.Eat chicken and eggs. 90034 90035 90002 A team of researchers from Boston University conducted a long-term study on 1,400 adults over 10 years. They found that participants who had diets high in choline performed better on memory tests. 90037 [35] 90038 90005 90002 Choline is the precursor to acetylcholine, which is essential for the formation of new memories. 90005 90002 What foods are high in choline? 90005 90002 Chicken and eggs (the egg yolk contains 90% of the total choline in the egg 90037 [36] 90038).90005 90002 Just in case you’re worried about the high cholesterol content of egg yolks, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Recent studies show that eggs — including the yolk — are a healthy food for just about everyone. 90037 [37] 90038 90005 90002 And if you’re a vegetarian, there are alternatives to getting choline in your diet: 90005 90042 90043 Lentils 90044 90043 Sunflower seeds 90044 90043 Pumpkin seeds 90044 90043 Almonds 90044 90043 Cabbage 90044 90043 Cauliflower 90044 90043 Broccoli 90044 90057 90032 90033 20.Eat omega-3 fatty acids. 90034 90035 90002 Omega-3 fatty acids are critical for brain function. 90037 [38] 90038 One experiment (Yehuda, S. 2005) also found that taking a combination of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids reduced test anxiety in students and improved their mental concentration. 90037 [39] 90038 90005 90002 Omega-3 fatty acids are linked to the prevention of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, depression, attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dementia, Alzheimer’s, asthma, colorectal cancer, and prostate cancer.90037 [40] 90038 90005 90002 That’s an incredible list! 90005 90002 Here are foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids: 90005 90042 90043 Salmon 90044 90043 Sardines 90044 90043 Mackerel 90044 90043 Trout 90044 90043 Flaxseed 90044 90043 Pumpkin seeds 90044 90043 Walnuts 90044 90057 90032 90033 The bottom line 90034 90035 90002 This is a long article that contains a lot of information. But do not feel overwhelmed, because there’s no need to implement everything at one shot.90005 90002 As the saying goes … 90005 90002 How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. 90005 90002 In the same way, to implement all 20 tips in this article, do it one tip at a time. Focus on just one tip a week, or even one tip a month. 90005 90002 Once you’ve turned that tip into a consistent study habit, move on to the next one. 90005 90002 Throughout the process, do not let the goal of getting straight A’s become an unhealthy obsession. After all, education is about more than getting good grades.90005 90002 It’s about the pursuit of excellence. It’s about cultivating your strengths. And it’s about learning and growing, so you can contribute more effectively. 90005 90002 There’s hard work involved, but I know you’re up to the challenge. 🙂 90005 90002 90019 Like this article? Please share it with your friends. 90020 90005 .

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