Глаголы на ать: Глаголы, заканчивающиеся на АТЬ | БезБукв.ру

Глаголы, заканчивающиеся на АТЬ | БезБукв.ру

1. аблактировать

2. абонировать

3. абордировать

4. абортировать

5. абсолютизировать

6. абсорбировать

7. абстрагировать

8. авансировать

9. авизировать

10. автоматизировать

11. авторизовать

12. агитировать

13. агломерировать

14. агонизировать

15. адаптировать

16. адвокатствовать

17. администрировать

18. адоптировать

19. адресовать

20. адсорбировать

21. ажюстировать

22. азартничать

23. азотировать

24. айкать

25. акать

26. акклиматизировать

27. аккомодировать

28. аккомпанировать

29. аккредитовать

30. аккумулировать

31. аклеивать

32. акробатничать

33. акробатствовать

34. актерствовать

35. активизировать

36. активировать

37. актировать

38. актуализировать

39. акушерствовать

40. акцентировать

41. акцентуировать

42. акцептовать

43. алкать

44. амальгамировать

45. американизировать

46. амикошонствовать

47. аммонизировать

48. амнистировать

49. амортизировать

50. ампутировать

51. амурничать

52. анализировать

53. анатомировать

54. ангажировать

55. англизировать

56. анестезировать

57. анкетировать

58. аннексировать

59. аннигилировать

60. аннотировать

61. аннулировать

62. анодировать

63. анонсировать

64. антиципировать

65. антрепренерствовать

66. апеллировать

67. аплодировать

68. апперципировать

69. аппретировать

70. апробировать

71. аранжировать

72. аргументировать

73. арендовать

74. арестовать

75. арестовывать

76. армировать

77. артикулировать

78. архаизировать

79. архипастырствовать

80. ассенизировать

81. ассигновать

82. ассигновывать

83. ассимилировать

84. ассистировать

85. ассоциировать

86. асфальтировать

87. атаковать

88. атаманствовать

89. атрофировать

90. аттестовать

91. атукать

92. аукать

93. афишировать

94. аффектировать


. аффинировать

96. ахать

97. аэрировать

98. бабахать

99. бабничать

100. базировать

Глаголы на букву А , заканчивающиеся на АТЬ

1. аблактировать

2. абонировать

3. абордировать

4. абортировать

5. абсолютизировать

6. абсорбировать

7. абстрагировать

8. авансировать

9. авизировать

10. автоматизировать

11. авторизовать

12. агитировать

13. агломерировать

14. агонизировать

15. адаптировать

16. адвокатствовать

17. администрировать

18. адоптировать

19. адресовать

20. адсорбировать

21. ажюстировать

22. азартничать

23. азотировать

24. айкать

25. акать

26. акклиматизировать

27. аккомодировать

28. аккомпанировать

29. аккредитовать

30. аккумулировать

31. аклеивать

32. акробатничать

33. акробатствовать

34. актерствовать

35. активизировать

36. активировать

37. актировать

38. актуализировать

39. акушерствовать

40. акцентировать

41. акцентуировать

42. акцептовать

43. алкать

44. амальгамировать

45. американизировать

46. амикошонствовать

47. аммонизировать

48. амнистировать

49. амортизировать

50. ампутировать

51. амурничать

52. анализировать

53. анатомировать

54. ангажировать

55. англизировать

56. анестезировать

57. анкетировать

58. аннексировать

59. аннигилировать

60. аннотировать

61. аннулировать

62. анодировать

63. анонсировать

64. антиципировать

65. антрепренерствовать

66. апеллировать

67. аплодировать

68. апперципировать

69. аппретировать

70. апробировать

71. аранжировать

72. аргументировать

73. арендовать

74. арестовать

75. арестовывать

76. армировать

77. артикулировать

78. архаизировать

79. архипастырствовать

80. ассенизировать

81. ассигновать

82. ассигновывать

83. ассимилировать

84. ассистировать

85. ассоциировать

86. асфальтировать

87. атаковать

88. атаманствовать

89. атрофировать

90. аттестовать

91. атукать

92. аукать

93. афишировать

94. аффектировать

95. аффинировать

96. ахать

97. аэрировать


Глаголы, начинающиеся на ОБ , заканчивающиеся на АТЬ

1. обалдевать

2. обандероливать

3. оббегать

4. оббежать

5. оббивать

6. обваливать

7. обваловать

8. обваривать

9. обвевать

10. обвеивать

11. обвенчать

12. обвертывать

13. обверчивать

14. обветривать

15. обветшать

16. обвешать

17. обвешивать

18. обвивать

19. обвисать

20. обволакивать

21. обвораживать

22. обворовать

23. обворовывать

24. обвыкать

25. обвязать

26. обвязывать

27. обвяливать

28. обгаживать

29. обгладывать

30. обглаживать

31. обглодать

32. обглядывать

33. обгнивать

34. обговаривать

35. обгораживать

36. обгорать

37. обгрызать

38. обдавать

39. обдать

40. обделать

41. обделывать

42. обдергать

43. обдергивать

44. обдирать

45. обдувать

46. обдумать

47. обдумывать

48. обдуривать

49. обегать

50. обедать

51. обежать

52. обезболивать

53. обезвоживать

54. обезволивать

55. обезвреживать

56. обезглавливать

57. обездоливать

58. обездушивать

59. обезжиривать

60. обеззараживать

61. обеззвучивать

62. обезземеливать

63. обезлесивать

64. обезличивать

65. обезнадеживать

66. обезображивать

67. обезоруживать

68. обезьянничать

69. оберегать

70. обертывать

71. обескровливать

72. обескрыливать

73. обескураживать

74. обеспечивать

75. обеспложивать

76. обессахаривать

77. обессиливать

78. обесславливать

79. обессмысливать

80. обессоливать

81. обесточивать

82. обесцвечивать

83. обесценивать

84. обесчещивать

85. обещать

86. обжаловать

87. обжаривать

88. обжать

89. обжевать

90. обжевывать

91. обживать

92. обжигать

93. обжимать

94. обжинать

95. обжирать

96. обжуливать

97. обзванивать

98. обзывать

99. обивать

100. обижать


Глаголы, начинающиеся на НА , заканчивающиеся на АТЬ

1. набагривать

2. набаловать

3. набаловывать

4. набалтывать

5. набальзамировать

6. набарышничать

7. набегать

8. набежать

9. набезобразничать

10. набивать

11. набирать

12. наблевать

13. наблюдать

14. наболтать

15. набормотать

16. набороновать

17. набраковать

18. набраковывать

19. набрасывать

20. набрать

21. набредать

22. набрехать

23. набронзировать

24. набронзировывать

25. набросать

26. набрызгать

27. набрызгивать

28. набрюзжать

29. набухать

30. набучивать

31. набушевать

32. наваливать

33. наваривать

34. наващивать

35. навевать

36. навеивать

37. навербовать

38. навербовывать

39. наверстать

40. наверстывать

41. навертывать

42. наверчивать

43. навешать

44. навешивать

45. навещать

46. навивать

47. навинчивать

48. нависать

49. навлекать

50. навоевать

51. наволакивать

52. навораживать

53. наворачивать

54. наворовать

55. наворовывать

56. наворочать

57. наворсовать

58. наворчать

59. наврать

60. навыдумать

61. навыдумывать

62. навыкать

63. навьючивать

64. навязать

65. навязывать

66. навяливать

67. нагадать

68. нагадывать

69. наганивать

70. нагачивать

71. нагибать

72. наглаживать

73. наглазуривать

74. нагличать

75. наглянцевать

76. нагнаивать

77. нагнать

78. нагнетать

79. нагнивать

80. наговаривать

81. нагораживать

82. нагорать

83. наготавливать

84. нагофрировать

85. награбастать

86. награвировать

87. награждать

88. нагребать

89. нагревать

90. нагреховодничать

91. нагримировать

92. нагримировывать

93. нагромождать

94. нагружать

95. нагрунтовать

96. нагрунтовывать

97. нагрызать

98. нагуливать

99. надавать

100. надавливать


Глаголы на букву О , заканчивающиеся на АТЬ

1. обалдевать

2. обандероливать

3. оббегать

4. оббежать

5. оббивать

6. обваливать

7. обваловать

8. обваривать

9. обвевать

10. обвеивать

11. обвенчать

12. обвертывать

13. обверчивать

14. обветривать

15. обветшать

16. обвешать

17. обвешивать

18. обвивать

19. обвисать

20. обволакивать

21. обвораживать

22. обворовать

23. обворовывать

24. обвыкать

25. обвязать

26. обвязывать

27. обвяливать

28. обгаживать

29. обгладывать

30. обглаживать

31. обглодать

32. обглядывать

33. обгнивать

34. обговаривать

35. обгораживать

36. обгорать

37. обгрызать

38. обдавать

39. обдать

40. обделать

41. обделывать

42. обдергать

43. обдергивать

44. обдирать

45. обдувать

46. обдумать

47. обдумывать

48. обдуривать

49. обегать

50. обедать

51. обежать

52. обезболивать

53. обезвоживать

54. обезволивать

55. обезвреживать

56. обезглавливать

57. обездоливать

58. обездушивать

59. обезжиривать

60. обеззараживать

61. обеззвучивать

62. обезземеливать

63. обезлесивать

64. обезличивать

65. обезнадеживать

66. обезображивать

67. обезоруживать

68. обезьянничать

69. оберегать

70. обертывать

71. обескровливать

72. обескрыливать

73. обескураживать

74. обеспечивать

75. обеспложивать

76. обессахаривать

77. обессиливать

78. обесславливать

79. обессмысливать

80. обессоливать

81. обесточивать

82. обесцвечивать

83. обесценивать

84. обесчещивать

85. обещать

86. обжаловать

87. обжаривать

88. обжать

89. обжевать

90. обжевывать

91. обживать

92. обжигать

93. обжимать

94. обжинать

95. обжирать

96. обжуливать

97. обзванивать

98. обзывать

99. обивать

100. обижать


Глаголы, начинающиеся на ОТ , заканчивающиеся на АТЬ

1. отакелаживать

2. отапливать

3. отаптывать

4. отбегать

5. отбежать

6. отбеливать

7. отбивать

8. отбирать

9. отблескивать

10. отблистать

11. отбортовать

12. отбраковать

13. отбраковывать

14. отбрасывать

15. отбривать

16. отбросать

17. отбузовать

18. отбуксировать

19. отбучивать

20. отбушевать

21. отбывать

22. отваживать

23. отваливать

24. отваривать

25. отвевать

26. отведать

27. отведывать

28. отвеивать

29. отвековать

30. отвергать

31. отвердевать

32. отверзать

33. отвертывать

34. отверчивать

35. ответствовать

36. отвечать

37. отвешивать

38. отвивать

39. отвиливать

40. отвинчивать

41. отвисать

42. отвлекать

43. отвоевать

44. отвоевывать

45. отволаживать

46. отволакивать

47. отворачивать

48. отворочать

49. отвращать

50. отвыкать

51. отвязать

52. отвязывать

53. отгадать

54. отгадывать

55. отгибать

56. отгладывать

57. отглаживать

58. отглатывать

59. отглодать

60. отгнивать

61. отговаривать

62. отгораживать

63. отгорать

64. отгоревать

65. отгравировать

66. отградуировать

67. отграничивать

68. отгребать

69. отгрохать

70. отгрохотать

71. отгружать

72. отгрызать

73. отгуливать

74. отдавать

75. отдавливать

76. отдаивать

77. отдаривать

78. отдать

79. отделать

80. отделывать

81. отдергивать

82. отдирать

83. отдневать

84. отдраивать

85. отдувать

86. отдумать

87. отдумывать

88. отдыхать

89. отекать

90. отесать

91. отесывать

92. отжаривать

93. отжать

94. отжевать

95. отжевывать

96. отживать

97. отжигать

98. отжиливать

99. отжимать

100. отжинать


Глаголы из 6 букв, заканчивающиеся на АТЬ

Поиск глаголов из 6 букв, в которых четвертая буква А, пятая буква Т, последняя буква Ь.

1. айкать

2. алкать

3. аукать

4. бахать

5. бацать

6. бегать

7. бежать

8. бивать

9. бодать

10. бухать

11. бывать

12. бякать

13. ведать

14. вешать

15. вещать

16. видать

17. витать

18. встать

19. выдать

20. выжать

21. выкать

22. вязать

23. вякать

24. гадать

25. гикать

26. гопать

27. гукать

28. давать

29. девать

30. делать

31. дичать

32. додать

33. дожать

34. думать

35. дышать

36. езжать

37. ерзать

38. жахать

39. жевать

40. желать

41. живать

42. задать

43. зажать

44. зачать

45. зевать

46. зыкать

47. играть

48. издать

49. искать

50. казать

51. какать

52. капать

53. карать

54. катать

55. качать

56. кивать

57. кидать

58. ковать

59. кокать

60. копать

61. купать

62. кусать

63. кутать

64. кушать

65. лазать

66. лакать

67. лапать

68. латать

69. лежать

70. летать

71. лизать

72. лишать

73. ломать

74. лопать

75. лягать

76. ляпать

77. мазать

78. макать

79. марать

80. махать

81. мекать

82. метать

83. мешать

84. мигать

85. мотать

86. мужать

87. мыкать

88. мычать

89. нажать

90. начать

91. низать

92. нищать

93. нукать

94. нюхать

95. обдать

96. обжать

97. ойкать

98. отдать

99. отжать

100. падать


90000 Verbs at Grammar Guide 90001 90002 Verbs are one of the two main parts of a sentence, along with nouns. You need a noun and a verb to make a complete sentence. 90003 90004 What is a verb? 90005 90002 Verbs are action words, like 90007 shout 90008, 90007 jump 90008, 90007 run 90008, and 90007 eat 90008. They tell us what’s happening in the sentence. They also sometimes tell us about a state of being. 90003 90002 There are three types of verbs: 90003 90018 90019 90020 Action verbs 90021 (which can be transitive or intransitive), 90022 90019 90020 Modal verbs 90021 (sometimes called helping verbs), and 90022 90019 90020 Auxiliary verbs 90021 (sometimes called linking verbs).90022 90031 90004 What is an Action Verb? 90005 90002 When a person or thing is doing something, that’s an action verb. Action verbs are the best ones to use in your writing to move your story forward and create tension. They can be split into two categories: 90003 90036 1) Transitive verbs. 90037 90002 This verb is always followed by a noun that’s receiving the action, called the direct object. 90003 90002 90020 90007 I patted my dog’s head. 90008 90021 90003 90002 The verb is «patted,» and the noun that’s receiving this action is «my dog’s head,» which is the direct object of the action verb.90003 90002 Sometimes an object can be indirect, such as when you’re expressing to whom the action is being done. 90003 90002 90020 90007 Mary gave Angelina a kiss on the cheek. 90008 90021 90003 90002 The verb is «gave» and the object given was «a kiss.» To whom it happened was Angelina, the indirect object of the sentence. 90003 90036 2) Intransitive verbs. 90037 90002 When an action verb has no direct object, it’s called an intransitive verb. Intransitive verbs can be followed by an adverb or adverb phrase, but there will never be a direct object.90003 90002 90020 90007 Matthew runs quickly away. 90008 90021 90003 90002 The verb is «runs,» and the phrase «quickly away» tells us more about the verb, but there is no object here to receive the action. 90003 90002 An easy way to tell the difference between a transitive and an intransitive verb is to ask the question, «What is receiving the action from this verb?» If you can name a noun that’s on the receiving end, it’s a transitive verb. If you can not name a noun, whether a direct or indirect object, then the verb is intransitive.90003 90004 What is a Modal Verb? 90005 90002 Modal verbs help us understand more about the verb in question. They give us hints on the possibility of something happening (90007 can 90008, 90007 should 90008, etc.) or time (90007 has 90008, 90007 did 90008, 90007 was 90008, etc.). When you add a modal or helping verb to your sentence, you’ve created a verb phrase. 90003 90002 90020 90007 Laura is (helping verb) writing (main action verb) her life story. 90008 90021 90003 90002 90020 90007 Her story might (helping verb) be (main verb) embarrassing for some of her friends.90008 90021 90003 90002 These words always function as modal verbs, or helping verbs: 90003 90002 • can • could • may • might • must • ought to • shall • should • will • would 90003 90002 In addition, you can have helping verbs consisting of the forms of to be, to do, and to have. Keep in mind though the following words can also serve as linking verbs (which we’ll discuss next): 90003 90002 • am • are • be • been • being • did • do • does • had • has • have • is • was • were 90003 90002 90020 90007 Juliet is changing trains at the station.90008 90021 90003 90002 90020 90007 Daniel had eaten everything on his plate. 90008 90021 90003 90004 What is an Auxiliary Verb? 90005 90002 Linking verbs connect the subject of your sentence to a noun or adjective that describes your subject. The noun or adjective is called the «subject complement.» 90003 90002 90020 90007 My daughter is a marketing major. 90008 90021 90003 90002 90020 90007 We are your new neighbors. 90008 90021 90003 90002 The most common linking verb is the various forms of «to be» (90007 am 90008, 90007 are 90008, 90007 is 90008, 90007 was 90008, 90007 were 90008, etc.). Sometimes, the forms of «to be» are helping verbs, as you learned in the previous section. 90003 90002 «To become» and «to seem» are always linking verbs. The following verbs, however, can sometimes be linking verbs and other times be action verbs: 90003 90002 • to appear • to continue • to feel • to grow • to look • to prove • to remain • to sound • to stay • to smell • to taste • to turn 90003 90002 Linking: 90020 90007 The seafood smelled funny. 90008 90021 90003 90002 Action: 90020 90007 I smelled the seafood before eating.90008 90021 90003 90162 90163 90004 Verb Tenses: A Primer 90005 90002 Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, and future. These are called the simple tenses, and they’re fairly straightforward. 90003 90036 What’s past is past. 90037 90002 Past tense verbs show action that happened in the past: 90003 90036 The time is now. 90037 90002 Present tense verbs tell us what’s happening now: 90003 90036 Tomorrow is another day. 90037 90002 Future tense verbs show us what is going to happen in the future: 90003 90004 Where things start to get dicey.90005 90002 There’s something called «perfect tenses,» and they come in present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect tense. They are all formed with helping verbs (e.g., 90007 have 90008, 90007 has 90008, 90007 had 90008, 90007 will 90008, 90007 shall 90008) and the past participles of the verb. Past participles are simply one of four principal parts of a verb, which is discussed in another article. 90003 90036 Past perfect tense. 90037 90002 These verbs describe an action that came directly before another action in the past, or happened for a definite amount of time in the past.For example: 90003 90036 Present perfect tense. 90037 90002 Present perfect tense tells us what happened recently or some indefinite time in the past. 90003 90036 Future perfect tense. 90037 90002 These show us what will happen before some other future action takes place. Future perfect tense uses «will have» and «shall have.» 90003 90018 90019 90002 By noon today, my daughter 90020 will have played 90021 football. 90003 90022 90019 90002 By tomorrow evening, we 90020 will have skated 90021 on the frozen pond.90003 90022 90031 90036 Progressive forms show actions in progress. 90037 90002 Simple and perfect verb tenses are also used in forming a progressive verb form that shows us what’s taking place at the moment or is continuing. Simply add one of the forms of «to be» with the present participle that ends in 90007 -ing 90008. 90003 90018 90019 90002 90007 My daughter 90020 is playing 90021 football right now. 90008 (present progressive) 90003 90022 90019 90002 90007 My daughter 90020 was playing 90021 football yesterday.90008 (past progressive) 90003 90022 90019 90002 90007 We 90020 are skating 90021 on the frozen pond right now. 90008 (present progressive) 90003 90022 90019 90002 90007 We 90020 have been skating 90021 on the frozen pond before. 90008 (past progressive) 90003 90022 90031 90004 A cheat sheet to make it easier 90005 90002 Following is a nifty cheat sheet from Perfect English Grammar that shows you how to form each aspect of past, present, and future tenses. Plus it shows you how to form negative sentences and questions.Great stuff to keep at your fingertips when writing your next novel or blog post. 90003 90264 90163 .90000 90001 Verbs That Start With T 90002 90003 90004 90005 90006 Verb 90007 90008 90009 90004 90005 90006 Definition 90007 90008 90009 90004 90005 90006 Synonym 90007 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 tack 90008 90009 90004 90005 to attach 90008 90009 90004 90005 pin, tie, nail 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 tackle 90008 90009 90004 90005 to jump on 90008 90009 90004 90005 grapple, seize, grab 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 tailor 90008 90009 90004 90005 to make something to particular specifications 90008 90009 90004 90005 adjust, fashion, fit 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 take 90008 90009 90004 90005 to get hold of 90008 90009 90004 90005 seize, appropriate, pocket 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 talk 90008 90009 90004 90005 to speak 90008 90009 90004 90005 articulate, communicate, converse 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 tally 90008 90009 90004 90005 to add up 90008 90009 9000 4 90005 account, catalog, total 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 tame 90008 90009 90004 90005 to domesticate 90008 90009 90004 90005 cultivate, domesticate, subdue 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 tap 90008 90009 90004 90005 to strike gently and quickly 90008 90009 90004 90005 pat , rap, touch 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 target 90008 90009 90004 90005 to aim at something or someone in particular 90008 90009 90004 90005 mark, aim, designate 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 teach 90008 90009 90004 90005 to educate 90008 90009 90004 90005 discipline , educate, instruct 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 tear 90008 90009 90004 90005 to pull or force something apart 90008 90009 90004 90005 rend, rip, split 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 tell 90008 90009 90004 90005 to communicate in words 90008 90009 90004 90005 advise , announce, enunciate 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 tempt 90008 90009 9000 4 90005 to lure 90008 90009 90004 90005 attract, bait, coax 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 tend 90008 90009 90004 90005 to care for 90008 90009 90004 90005 administer, attend, care 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 terminate 90008 90009 90004 90005 to stop 90008 90009 90004 90005 abolish, adjourn, cease 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 test 90008 90009 90004 90005 to administer an exam 90008 90009 90004 90005 examine, quiz, investigate 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 thank 90008 90009 90004 90005 to express gratitude or appreciation 90008 90009 90004 90005 acknowledge, appreciate, praise 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 thicken 90008 90009 90004 90005 to make more dense 90008 90009 90004 90005 coagulate, congeal, solidify 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 think 90008 90009 90004 90005 to have an idea or belief about something 90008 90009 90004 90005 cogitate, reason, deliberate 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 threaten 90008 90009 90004 90005 to pose danger 90008 90009 90004 90005 intimidate, menace, torment 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 thrill 90008 90009 90004 90005 to excite 90008 90009 90004 90005 inspire, animate, rouse 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 thrive 90008 90009 90004 90005 to do well 90008 90009 90004 90005 blossom, burgeon, flourish 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 throw 90008 90009 90004 90005 to toss something in the air 90008 90009 90004 90005 cast, catapult, toss 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 tie 90008 90009 90004 90005 to fasten two or more things together 90008 90009 90004 90005 bind, attach, fasten 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 tighten 90008 90009 90004 90005 to constrict 90008 90009 90004 90005 bind, clench, squeeze 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 tilt 90008 90009 90004 90005 to tip or slope in one direction 90008 90009 90004 90005 cant, incline, le an 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 tire 90008 90009 90004 90005 to exhaust 90008 90009 90004 90005 bore, drain, weaken 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 tolerate 90008 90009 90004 90005 to allow 90008 90009 90004 90005 abide, accept, condone 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 top 90008 90009 90004 90005 to exceed, surpass, or do better 90008 90009 90004 90005 better, beat, overrun 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 toss 90008 90009 90004 90005 to throw lightly 90008 90009 90004 90005 chuck, fling, throw 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 touch 90008 90009 90004 90005 to use your hand to feel or move 90008 90009 90004 90005 graze, pat, brush 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 tow 90008 90009 90004 90005 to pull 90008 90009 90004 90005 drag, draw, haul 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 trace 90008 90009 90004 90005 to copy something by following along 90008 90009 90004 90005 sketch, outline, draw 900 08 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 trade 90008 90009 90004 90005 to exchange something 90008 90009 90004 90005 barter, swap, exchange 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 train 90008 90009 90004 90005 to guide, coach, or instruct 90008 90009 90004 90005 instruct, tutor, enlighten 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 transfer 90008 90009 90004 90005 to move, carry, or transport 90008 90009 90004 90005 convey, shift, carry 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 transform 90008 90009 90004 90005 to change something into something else 90008 90009 90004 90005 metamorphosize, convert, transmute 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 translate 90008 90009 90004 90005 to convert from one language to another 90008 90009 90004 90005 decode, transcribe, decipher 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 transmit 90008 90009 90004 90005 to transfer from one place to another 90008 90009 90004 90005 carry, channel, dispatch 90008 90009 90022 9000 3 90004 90005 transport 90008 90009 90004 90005 to move from one place to another 90008 90009 90004 90005 transmit, convey, carry 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 trap 90008 90009 90004 90005 to catch someone or something 90008 90009 90004 90005 ensnare, catch, confine 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 travel 90008 90009 90004 90005 to go to a different location 90008 90009 90004 90005 journey, tour, explore 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 treat 90008 90009 90004 90005 to provide medical help 90008 90009 90004 90005 heal, assist, attend 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 trigger 90008 90009 90004 90005 to cause 90008 90009 90004 90005 activate, initiate, provoke 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 trim 90008 90009 90004 90005 to remove, cut, or decorate 90008 90009 90004 90005 prune, shave, lop 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 trust 90008 90009 90004 90005 to have faith, confidence, or hope in someone o r something 90008 90009 90004 90005 believe, hope, depend 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 try 90008 90009 90004 90005 to make an attempt 90008 90009 90004 90005 endeavor, attempt, undertake 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 tune 90008 90009 90004 90005 to adjust or adapt a condition 90008 90009 90004 90005 attune, harmonize, modulate 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 turn 90008 90009 90004 90005 to rotate in a circle 90008 90009 90004 90005 alternate, contort, flex 90008 90009 90022 90003 90004 90005 tweak 90008 90009 90004 90005 to make small adjustments 90008 90009 90004 90005 adjust, pinch, twist 90008 90009 90022 90723 .90000 Verbs: 3 Types of Verbs with Definition and Useful Examples 90001 90002 Verbs in English! What is a verb? Learn different types of verbs and how to use them in English sentences with useful examples and free ESL printable infographic. 90003 90004 Verb Definition 90005 90002 What is a verb? 90003 90002 Verbs are the most important component of any sentence. These words talk about the action or the state of any noun or subject. This means that verbs show what the subject is doing or what is the state or situation of the subject.90003 90002 For example: 90003 90012 90013 90014 He 90015 ran 90016 to the store. 90017 — Here the verb 90015 ran 90016 describes the action of the subject ‘he’. 90020 90013 90014 She 90015 is 90016 a creative person. 90017 — Here there is no action being done. Instead of the auxiliary verb 90015 ‘is’ 90016 shows the state of the subject ‘she’ as being ‘creative’. 90020 90029 90004 Types of Verbs 90005 90002 There are different types and classifications of Verbs; some of the most important ones are listed below: 90003 90034 Action Verbs 90035 90002 These verbs talk about what the subject is doing in the sentence.Action Verbs are one of the most easily identifiable types of verbs. To recognize them, you simply have to look for the word in the sentence that answers the question ‘90015 What is the subject doing? 90016 ‘. For example: 90003 90012 90013 90014 Rose is 90015 painting 90016 the kitchen walls. 90017 90020 90029 90002 The subject here is Rose, and 90015 what is Rose doing? 90016 Rose is 90015 painting 90016. Hence 90015 painting 90016 is our action verb. 90003 90012 90013 90014 My dog ​​is 90015 sleeping 90016 on the sofa.90017 90020 90029 90002 The subject here is dog, and 90015 what is the dog doing? 90016 The dog is 90015 sleeping 90016. So 90015 sleeping 90016 is our action verb. 90003 90002 There are two types of Action Verbs which describe the Verb and the Subject doing the action and the Object on which the action is done, they are: 90003 90074 Transitive Verbs 90075 90002 What is a transitive verb? 90003 90002 These Action Verbs have a definite object on which, or for which the action is being performed.That means that the action has a definite recipient or object. To identify them you can ask the question 90015 what is the / did the subject-verb? 90016 90003 90012 90013 90014 Rose is 90015 painting 90016 the 90087 kitchen walls 90088. 90017 90020 90029 90002 Here the verb is 90015 painting 90016 and the subject is Rose. 90003 90002 If we form the question — 90015 what is Rose painting? 90016 90003 90002 The answer is — 90015 The kitchen walls 90016. 90003 90002 Thus, we see that there was a specific object on which the action of 90015 painting 90016 was being done.90003 90012 90013 90014 Hannah 90015 gave 90016 him a big 90087 hug 90088. 90017 90020 90029 90002 Here we see that the action 90015 ‘gave’ 90016 is being performed by the subject Hannah. So the question is 90015 what did Hannah give? 90016 And the answer is — 90015 A big hug 90016. 90003 90002 Here, we also have an indirect object as ‘him’. This indirect object would be the answer to the question: 90003 90002 90015 Who did the subject 90016 (Hannah) — 90015 verb — 90016 (give) 90015 the object 90016 (hug) 90015 to? 90016 90003 90074 Intransitive Verbs 90075 90002 What is an intransitive verb? 90003 90002 These verbs also show action but here there is no specific object on which the action is being done.To recognize these verbs, we ask the question «90015 what is the / did the subject-verb?» 90016 If there is no answer present, then the verb in the sentence is an Intransitive Verb. For example: 90003 90012 90013 90014 Rose is 90015 painting 90016 right now. 90017 90020 90029 90002 Here, if we ask the question 90015 what is Rose painting? 90016 There is no answer which means that in this sentence 90015 painting 90016 is an Intransitive Verb. 90003 90002 It is telling us about the action of the subject but there is no specific object for the action.90003 90012 90013 90014 Hannah 90015 sneezed 90016 repeatedly. 90017 90020 90029 90002 Here, the verb is 90015 «sneezed» 90016. If we ask the question 90015 what did Hannah sneeze? 90016 There is no answer present for it making 90015 sneezed 90016 an intransitive verb. 90003 90034 Dynamic and Stative Verbs 90035 90002 This category of verbs deals with the verb words themselves; and whether they indicate an action or a state of the subject. This category is not concerned with the object in particular.90003 90074 Dynamic Verbs 90075 90002 What is a dynamic verb? 90003 90002 These verbs denote an actual action or expression or process done by the subject. They mean an action which can be seen or physically felt or the result of which is seen or physically felt by the object or an indirect object. 90003 90012 90013 90014 She 90015 buys 90016 new clothes every week. 90017 90020 90029 90002 Here the verb is «90015 buys» 90016 which is an action done by the subject ‘she’, hence it is a dynamic verb.90003 90012 90013 90014 He is 90015 swimming 90016 at the beach. 90017 90020 90029 90002 Here again, we have the definite action 90015 swimming 90016 done by the subject ‘he’, making 90015 ‘swimming’ 90016 a dynamic verb in this sentence. 90003 90074 Stative Verbs 90075 90002 What is a stative verb? 90003 90002 These verbs refer to the state of the subject or the situation of the subject. Stative Verbs tell us about the state of mind of the subject, or the relation between the subject and the object.For example: 90003 90012 90013 90014 She 90015 prefers 90016 strawberry 90087 jam 90088. 90017 90020 90029 90002 Here the Stative Verb is 90015 ‘prefers’ 90016 which shows the thinking of the subject ‘She’ towards the object, which is 90087 ‘jam’ 90088. 90003 90012 90013 90014 The cupboard 90015 requires 90016 a new coat of 90087 paint 90088. 90017 90020 90029 90002 Here the subject is ‘cupboard’ and the stative verb is 90015 ‘requires’ 90016 which is telling about the relation between the subject ‘cupboard’ and the object ‘90087 paint 90088’.90003 90002 90014 Stative Verbs in English | Image 90017 90003 90002 90257 90003 90034 Linking Verbs 90035 90002 What are linking verbs? 90003 90002 These verbs are unlike other verbs as they do not tell anything about a subject themselves, instead Linking Verbs connect the subject to a noun or adjective that helps in describing or providing additional information about the subject. Those nouns or adjectives are called the subject complements. For example: 90003 90012 90013 90014 Lisa 90015 is 90016 fussy about food.90017 90020 90029 90002 Here we see the subject is Lisa and the linking verb is 90015 ‘is’ 90016 which is connecting Lisa to the subject complement ‘fussy about food’ which is giving additional information about Lisa’s preferences. 90003 90012 90013 90014 They 90015 are 90016 stubborn children. 90017 90020 90029 90002 Here the linking verb is 90015 ‘are’ 90016 which is combining the subject ‘90015 They 90016’ to the subject complement of ‘stubborn’ which is an adjective. 90003 90002 The best to recognize linking words in a sentence is to see whether the verb can be replaced by 90015 ‘is, am 90016 or 90015 are’.90016 If the sentence still sounds logical you know you have a linking verb. 90003 90012 90013 90014 The students 90015 felt 90016 relieved. — The students 90015 are 90016 relieved. 90017 90020 90029 90002 Hence 90015 ‘felt’ 90016 was a linking verb and not an action verb. As 90015 ‘felt’ 90016 here is simply connecting the subject to the adjective. 90003 90012 90013 90014 Every student 90015 felt 90016 the relief. — Every student 90015 is / am / are 90016 the relief. 90017 90020 90029 90002 Hence in this sentence 90015 ‘felt 90016’ is action verb as it is the action of ‘feeling an emotion.’90003 90002 90015 Using Verbs in Sentences 90016 90003 90002 To use verbs correctly in sentences you need to learn more about the construction and use of the various verbs. And how they change form according to tenses and use in a sentence. For correct application verbs in written text you will need to know about: 90003 90002 90015 Regular and Irregular Verbs 90016 — These are the two different ways in which verbs change to form different tenses. Whether to simply add ‘-ed’ at the end of a verb or does it take a different form altogether.90003 90002 90014 Regular Verbs in English | Chart 90017 90003 90002 90342 90003 90002 90014 Irregular Verbs in English | Chart 90017 90003 90002 90349 90003 90002 90015 Finite and Non-Finite Verbs 90016 — These are verbs which can be either the main verb of a sentence or just one that is used as an adjective or noun as well. 90003 90002 90356 90003 90002 90015 Modal Verbs 90016 — These verbs tell us whether something is probable or about the skills of a noun etc. There are 10 modal verbs in total and each has an important part in sentence formation.90003 90002 90003 90002 90365 90003 90004 Types of Verbs | Infographic 90005 90002 90014 Types of Verbs in English | Image 90017 90003 90002 90374 90003 90002 90377 90003 .90000 90001 Phrasal Verbs List | Vocabulary 90002 90003 90004 90005 ask 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90005 out 90006 90011 90004 invite on a date 90011 90004 Brian 90005 asked 90006 Judy 90005 out 90006 to dinner and a movie. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 ask around 90006 90011 90004 ask many people the same question 90011 90004 I 90005 asked around 90006 but nobody has seen my wallet. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 add up to 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 equal 90011 90004 Your purchases 90005 add up to 90006 $ 205.32. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 back 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 up 90006 90011 90004 reverse 90011 90004 You’ll have to 90005 back up 90006 your car so that I can get out. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 back 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90005 up 90006 90011 90004 support 90011 90004 My wife 90005 backed 90006 me 90005 up 90006 over my decision to quit my job. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 blow up 90006 90011 90004 explode 90011 90004 The racing car 90005 blew up 90006 after it crashed into the fence.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 blow 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 up 90006 90011 90004 add air 90011 90004 We have to 90005 blow 90006 50 balloons 90005 up 90006 for the party. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 break down 90006 90011 90004 stop functioning (vehicle, machine) 90011 90004 Our car 90005 broke down 90006 at the side of the highway in the snowstorm. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 break down 90006 90011 90004 get upset 90011 90004 The woman 90005 broke down 90006 when the police told her that her son had died.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 break 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 down 90006 90011 90004 divide into smaller parts 90011 90004 Our teacher 90005 broke 90006 the final project 90005 down 90006 into three separate parts. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 break in 90006 90011 90004 force entry to a building 90011 90004 Somebody 90005 broke in 90006 last night and stole our stereo. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 break into 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 enter forcibly 90011 90004 The firemen had to 90005 break into 90006 the room to rescue the children.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 break 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 in 90006 90011 90004 wear something a few times so that it does not look / feel new 90011 90004 I need to 90005 break 90006 these shoes 90005 in 90006 before we run next week. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 break in 90006 90011 90004 interrupt 90011 90004 The TV station 90005 broke in 90006 to report the news of the president’s death. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 break up 90006 90011 90004 end a relationship 90011 90004 My boyfriend and I 90005 broke up 90006 before I moved to America.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 break up 90006 90011 90004 start laughing (informal) 90011 90004 The kids just 90005 broke up 90006 as soon as the clown started talking. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 break out 90006 90011 90004 escape 90011 90004 The prisoners 90005 broke out 90006 of jail when the guards were not looking. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 break out in 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 develop a skin condition 90011 90004 I 90005 broke out in 90006 a rash after our camping trip.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 bring 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90005 down 90006 90011 90004 make unhappy 90011 90004 This sad music is 90005 bringing 90006 me 90005 down 90006. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 bring 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90005 up 90006 90011 90004 raise a child 90011 90004 My grandparents 90005 brought 90006 me 90005 up 90006 after my parents died. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 bring 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 up 90006 90011 90004 start talking about a subject 90011 90004 My mother walks out of the room when my father 90005 brings up 90006 sports.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 bring 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 up 90006 90011 90004 vomit 90011 90004 He drank so much that he 90005 brought 90006 his dinner 90005 up 90006 in the toilet. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 call around 90006 90011 90004 phone many different places / people 90011 90004 We 90005 called around 90006 but we were not able to find the car part we needed. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 call 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90005 back 90006 90011 90004 return a phone call 90011 90004 I 90005 called 90006 the company 90005 back 90006 but the offices were closed for the weekend.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 call 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 off 90006 90011 90004 cancel 90011 90004 Jason 90005 called 90006 the wedding 90005 off 90006 because he was not in love with his fiancé. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 call on 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90011 90004 ask for an answer or opinion 90011 90004 The professor 90005 called on 90006 me for question 1. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 call on 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90011 90004 visit somebody 90011 90004 We 90005 called on 90006 you last night but you were not home.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 call 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90005 up 90006 90011 90004 phone 90011 90004 Give me your phone number and I will 90005 call 90006 you 90005 up 90006 when we are in town. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 calm down 90006 90011 90004 relax after being angry 90011 90004 You are still mad. You need to 90005 calm down 90006 before you drive the car. 90011 90020 90003 90004 not 90005 care for 90006 90007 somebody / something 90008 90011 90004 not like (formal) 90011 90004 I do not 90005 care for 90006 his behaviour.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 catch up 90006 90011 90004 get to the same point as somebody else 90011 90004 You’ll have to run faster than that if you want to 90005 catch up 90006 with Marty. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 check in 90006 90011 90004 arrive and register at a hotel or airport 90011 90004 We will get the hotel keys when we 90005 check in 90006. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 check out 90006 90011 90004 leave a hotel 90011 90004 You have to 90005 check out 90006 of the hotel before 11:00 AM.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 check 90006 90007 somebody / something 90008 90005 out 90006 90011 90004 look at carefully, investigate 90011 90004 The company 90005 checks out 90006 all new employees. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 check out 90006 90007 somebody / something 90008 90011 90004 look at (informal) 90011 90004 90005 Check out 90006 the crazy hair on that guy! 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 cheer up 90006 90011 90004 become happier 90011 90004 She 90005 cheered up 90006 when she heard the good news.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 cheer 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90005 up 90006 90011 90004 make happier 90011 90004 I brought you some flowers to 90005 cheer 90006 you 90005 up 90006. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 chip in 90006 90011 90004 help 90011 90004 If everyone 90005 chips in 90006 we can get the kitchen painted by noon. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 clean 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 up 90006 90011 90004 tidy, clean 90011 90004 Please 90005 clean up 90006 your bedroom before you go outside.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 come across 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 find unexpectedly 90011 90004 I 90005 came across 90006 these old photos when I was tidying the closet. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 come apart 90006 90011 90004 separate 90011 90004 The top and bottom 90005 come apart 90006 if you pull hard enough. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 come down with 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 become sick 90011 90004 My nephew 90005 came down with 90006 chicken pox this weekend.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 come forward 90006 90011 90004 volunteer for a task or to give evidence 90011 90004 The woman 90005 came forward 90006 with her husband’s finger prints. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 come from 90006 some place 90011 90004 originate in 90011 90004 The art of origami 90005 comes from 90006 Asia. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 count on 90006 90007 somebody / something 90008 90011 90004 rely on 90011 90004 I am 90005 counting on 90006 you to make dinner while I am out.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 cross 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 out 90006 90011 90004 draw a line through 90011 90004 Please 90005 cross out 90006 your old address and write your new one. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 cut back on 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 consume less 90011 90004 My doctor wants me to 90005 cut back on 90006 sweets and fatty foods. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 cut 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 down 90006 90011 90004 make something fall to the ground 90011 90004 We had to 90005 cut 90006 the old tree in our yard 90005 down 90006 after the storm.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 cut in 90006 90011 90004 interrupt 90011 90004 Your father 90005 cut in 90006 while I was dancing with your uncle. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 cut in 90006 90011 90004 pull in too closely in front of another vehicle 90011 90004 The bus driver got angry when that car 90005 cut in 90006. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 cut in 90006 90011 90004 start operating (of an engine or electrical device) 90011 90004 The air conditioner 90005 cuts in 90006 when the temperature gets to 22 ° C.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 cut 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 off 90006 90011 90004 remove with something sharp 90011 90004 The doctors 90005 cut off 90006 his leg because it was severely injured. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 cut 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 off 90006 90011 90004 stop providing 90011 90004 The phone company 90005 cut off 90006 our phone because we did not pay the bill. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 cut 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90005 off 90006 90011 90004 take out of a will 90011 90004 My grandparents 90005 cut 90006 my father 90005 off 90006 when he remarried.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 cut 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 out 90006 90011 90004 remove part of something (usually with scissors and paper) 90011 90004 I 90005 cut 90006 this ad 90005 out 90006 of the newspaper. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 do 90006 90007 somebody / something 90008 90005 over 90006 90011 90004 beat up, ransack (BrE, informal) 90011 90004 He’s lucky to be alive. His shop was 90005 done over 90006 by a street gang. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 do 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 over 90006 90011 90004 do again (AmE) 90011 90004 My teacher wants me to 90005 do 90006 my essay 90005 over 90006 because she does not like my topic.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 do away with 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 discard 90011 90004 It’s time to 90005 do away with 90006 all of these old tax records. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 do 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 up 90006 90011 90004 fasten, close 90011 90004 90005 Do 90006 your coat 90005 up 90006 before you go outside. It’s snowing! 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 dress up 90006 90011 90004 wear nice clothing 90011 90004 It’s a fancy restaurant so we have to 90005 dress up 90006.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 drop back 90006 90011 90004 move back in a position / group 90011 90004 Andrea 90005 dropped back 90006 to third place when she fell off her bike. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 drop in / by / over 90006 90011 90004 come without an appointment 90011 90004 I might 90005 drop in / by / over 90006 for tea sometime this week. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 drop 90006 90007 somebody / something 90008 90005 off 90006 90011 90004 take somebody / something somewhere and leave them / it there 90011 90004 I have to 90005 drop 90006 my sister 90005 off 90006 at work before I come over.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 drop out 90006 90011 90004 quit a class, school etc 90011 90004 I 90005 dropped out 90006 of Science because it was too difficult. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 eat out 90006 90011 90004 eat at a restaurant 90011 90004 I do not feel like cooking tonight. Let’s 90005 eat out 90006. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 end up 90006 90011 90004 eventually reach / do / decide 90011 90004 We 90005 ended up 90006 renting a movie instead of going to the theatre.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 fall apart 90006 90011 90004 break into pieces 90011 90004 My new dress 90005 fell apart 90006 in the washing machine. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 fall down 90006 90011 90004 fall to the ground 90011 90004 The picture that you hung up last night 90005 fell down 90006 this morning. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 fall out 90006 90011 90004 separate from an interior 90011 90004 The money must have 90005 fallen out 90006 of my pocket.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 fall out 90006 90011 90004 (of hair, teeth) become loose and unattached 90011 90004 His hair started to 90005 fall out 90006 when he was only 35. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 figure 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 out 90006 90011 90004 understand, find the answer 90011 90004 I need to 90005 figure out 90006 how to fit the piano and the bookshelf in this room. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 fill 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 in 90006 90011 90004 to write information in blanks, as on a form (BrE) 90011 90004 Please 90005 fill in 90006 the form with your name, address, and phone number.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 fill 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 out 90006 90011 90004 to write information in blanks, as on a form (AmE) 90011 90004 The form must be 90005 filled out 90006 in capital letters. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 fill 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 up 90006 90011 90004 fill to the top 90011 90004 I always 90005 fill 90006 the water jug ​​90005 up 90006 when it is empty. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 find out 90006 90011 90004 discover 90011 90004 We do not know where he lives.How can we 90005 find out 90006? 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 find 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 out 90006 90011 90004 discover 90011 90004 We tried to keep the time of the party a secret, but Samantha 90005 found 90006 it 90005 out 90006. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 get 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 across / over 90006 90011 90004 communicate, make understandable 90011 90004 I tried to 90005 get 90006 my point 90005 across / over 90006 to the judge but she would not listen.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 get along / on 90006 90011 90004 like each other 90011 90004 I was surprised how well my new girlfriend and my sister 90005 got along / on 90006. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 get around 90006 90011 90004 have mobility 90011 90004 My grandfather can 90005 get around 90006 fine in his new wheelchair. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 get away 90006 90011 90004 go on a vacation 90011 90004 We worked so hard this year that we had to 90005 get away 90006 for a week.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 get away with 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 do without being noticed or punished 90011 90004 Jason always 90005 gets away with 90006 cheating in his maths tests. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 get back 90006 90011 90004 return 90011 90004 We 90005 got back 90006 from our vacation last week. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 get 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 back 90006 90011 90004 receive something you had before 90011 90004 Liz finally 90005 got 90006 her Science notes 90005 back 90006 from my room-mate.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 get back at 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90011 90004 retaliate, take revenge 90011 90004 My sister 90005 got back at 90006 me for stealing her shoes. She stole my favourite hat. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 get back into 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 become interested in something again 90011 90004 I finally 90005 got back into 90006 my novel and finished it. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 get on 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 step onto a vehicle 90011 90004 We’re going to freeze out here if you do not let us 90005 get on 90006 the bus.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 get over 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 recover from an illness, loss, difficulty 90011 90004 I just 90005 got over 90006 the flu and now my sister has it. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 get over 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 overcome a problem 90011 90004 The company will have to close if it can not 90005 get over 90006 the new regulations. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 get round to 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 finally find time to do (AmE: 90005 get around to 90006 90007 something 90008) 90011 90004 I do not know when I am going to 90005 get round to 90006 writing the thank you cards.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 get together 90006 90011 90004 meet (usually for social reasons) 90011 90004 Let’s 90005 get together 90006 for a BBQ this weekend. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 get up 90006 90011 90004 get out of bed 90011 90004 I 90005 got up 90006 early today to study for my exam. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 get up 90006 90011 90004 stand 90011 90004 You should 90005 get up 90006 and give the elderly man your seat. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 give 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90005 away 90006 90011 90004 reveal hidden information about somebody 90011 90004 His wife 90005 gave 90006 him 90005 away 90006 to the police.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 give 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90005 away 90006 90011 90004 take the bride to the altar 90011 90004 My father 90005 gave 90006 me 90005 away 90006 at my wedding. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 give 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 away 90006 90011 90004 ruin a secret 90011 90004 My little sister 90005 gave 90006 the surprise party 90005 away 90006 by accident. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 give 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 away 90006 90011 90004 give something to somebody for free 90011 90004 The library was 90005 giving away 90006 old books on Friday.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 give 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 back 90006 90011 90004 return a borrowed item 90011 90004 I have to 90005 give 90006 these skates 90005 back 90006 to Franz before his hockey game. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 give in 90006 90011 90004 reluctantly stop fighting or arguing 90011 90004 My boyfriend did not want to go to the ballet, but he finally 90005 gave in 90006. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 give 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 out 90006 90011 90004 give to many people (usually at no cost) 90011 90004 They were 90005 giving out 90006 free perfume samples at the department store.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 give 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 up 90006 90011 90004 quit a habit 90011 90004 I am 90005 giving up 90006 smoking as of January 1st. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 give up 90006 90011 90004 stop trying 90011 90004 My maths homework was too difficult so I 90005 gave up 90006. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 go after 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90011 90004 follow somebody 90011 90004 My brother tried to 90005 go after 90006 the thief in his car.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 go after 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 try to achieve something 90011 90004 I 90005 went after 90006 my dream and now I am a published writer. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 go against 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90011 90004 compete, oppose 90011 90004 We are 90005 going against 90006 the best soccer team in the city tonight. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 go ahead 90006 90011 90004 start, proceed 90011 90004 Please 90005 go ahead 90006 and eat before the food gets cold.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 go back 90006 90011 90004 return to a place 90011 90004 I have to 90005 go back 90006 home and get my lunch. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 go out 90006 90011 90004 leave home to go on a social event 90011 90004 We’re 90005 going out 90006 for dinner tonight. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 go out with 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90011 90004 date 90011 90004 Jesse has been 90005 going out with 90006 Luke since they met last winter.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 go over 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 review 90011 90004 Please 90005 go over 90006 your answers before you submit your test. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 go over 90006 90011 90004 visit somebody nearby 90011 90004 I have not seen Tina for a long time. I think I’ll 90005 go over 90006 for an hour or two. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 go without 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 suffer lack or deprivation 90011 90004 When I was young, we 90005 went without 90006 winter boots.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 grow apart 90006 90011 90004 stop being friends over time 90011 90004 My best friend and I 90005 grew apart 90006 after she changed schools. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 grow back 90006 90011 90004 regrow 90011 90004 My roses 90005 grew back 90006 this summer. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 grow into 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 grow big enough to fit 90011 90004 This bike is too big for him now, but he should 90005 grow into 90006 it by next year.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 grow out of 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 get too big for 90011 90004 Elizabeth needs a new pair of shoes because she has 90005 grown out of 90006 her old ones. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 grow up 90006 90011 90004 become an adult 90011 90004 When Jack 90005 grows up 90006 he wants to be a fireman. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 hand 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 down 90006 90011 90004 give something used to somebody else 90011 90004 I 90005 handed 90006 my old comic books 90005 down 90006 to my little cousin.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 hand 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 in 90006 90011 90004 submit 90011 90004 I have to 90005 hand in 90006 my essay by Friday. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 hand 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 out 90006 90011 90004 to distribute to a group of people 90011 90004 We will 90005 hand out 90006 the invitations at the door. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 hand 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 over 90006 90011 90004 give (usually unwillingly) 90011 90004 The police asked the man to 90005 hand over 90006 his wallet and his weapons.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 hang in 90006 90011 90004 stay positive (informal) 90011 90004 90005 Hang in 90006 there. I’m sure you’ll find a job very soon. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 hang on 90006 90011 90004 wait a short time (informal) 90011 90004 90005 Hang on 90006 while I grab my coat and shoes! 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 hang out 90006 90011 90004 spend time relaxing (informal) 90011 90004 Instead of going to the party we are just going to 90005 hang out 90006 at my place.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 hang up 90006 90011 90004 end a phone call 90011 90004 He did not say goodbye before he 90005 hung up 90006. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 hold 90006 90007 somebody / something 90008 90005 back 90006 90011 90004 prevent from doing / going 90011 90004 I had to 90005 hold 90006 my dog ​​90005 back 90006 because there was a cat in the park. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 hold 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 back 90006 90011 90004 hide an emotion 90011 90004 Jamie 90005 held back 90006 his tears at his grandfather’s funeral.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 hold on 90006 90011 90004 wait a short time 90011 90004 Please 90005 hold on 90006 while I transfer you to the Sales Department. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 hold onto 90006 90007 somebody / something 90008 90011 90004 hold firmly using your hands or arms 90011 90004 90005 Hold onto 90006 your hat because it’s very windy outside. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 hold 90006 90007 somebody / something 90008 90005 up 90006 90011 90004 rob 90011 90004 A man in a black mask 90005 held 90006 the bank 90005 up 90006 this morning.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 keep on doing 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 continue doing 90011 90004 90005 Keep on 90006 stirring until the liquid comes to a boil. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 keep 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 from 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90011 90004 not tell 90011 90004 We 90005 kept 90006 our relationship 90005 from 90006 our parents for two years. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 keep 90006 90007 somebody / something 90008 90005 out 90006 90011 90004 stop from entering 90011 90004 Try to 90005 keep 90006 the wet dog 90005 out 90006 of the living room.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 keep 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 up 90006 90011 90004 continue at the same rate 90011 90004 If you 90005 keep 90006 those results 90005 up 90006 you will get into a great college. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 let 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90005 down 90006 90011 90004 fail to support or help, disappoint 90011 90004 I need you to be on time. Do not 90005 let 90006 me 90005 down 90006 this time. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 let 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90005 in 90006 90011 90004 allow to enter 90011 90004 Can you 90005 let 90006 the cat 90005 in 90006 before you go to school? 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 log in 90006 (or 90005 on 90006) 90011 90004 sign in (to a website, database etc) 90011 90004 I can not 90005 log in 90006 to Facebook because I’ve forgotten my password.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 log out 90006 (or 90005 off 90006) 90011 90004 sign out (of a website, database etc) 90011 90004 If you do not 90005 log off 90006 somebody could get into your account. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 look after 90006 90007 somebody / something 90008 90011 90004 take care of 90011 90004 I have to 90005 look after 90006 my sick grandmother. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 look down on 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90011 90004 think less of, consider inferior 90011 90004 Ever since we stole that chocolate bar your dad has 90005 looked down on 90006 me.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 look for 90006 90007 somebody / something 90008 90011 90004 try to find 90011 90004 I’m 90005 looking for 90006 a red dress for the wedding. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 look forward to 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 be excited about the future 90011 90004 I’m 90005 looking forward to 90006 the Christmas break. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 look into 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 investigate 90011 90004 We are going to 90005 look into 90006 the price of snowboards today.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 look out 90006 90011 90004 be careful, vigilant, and take notice 90011 90004 Look out! That car’s going to hit you! 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 look out for 90006 90007 somebody / something 90008 90011 90004 be especially vigilant for 90011 90004 Do not forget to 90005 look out for 90006 snakes on the hiking trail. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 look 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 over 90006 90011 90004 check, examine 90011 90004 Can you 90005 look over 90006 my essay for spelling mistakes? 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 look 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 up 90006 90011 90004 search and find information in a reference book or database 90011 90004 We can 90005 look 90006 her phone number 90005 up 90006 on the Internet.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 look up to 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90011 90004 have a lot of respect for 90011 90004 My little sister has always 90005 looked up 90006 to me. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 make 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 up 90006 90011 90004 invent, lie about something 90011 90004 Josie 90005 made up 90006 a story about why we were late. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 make up 90006 90011 90004 forgive each other 90011 90004 We were angry last night, but we 90005 made up 90006 at breakfast.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 make 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90005 up 90006 90011 90004 apply cosmetics to 90011 90004 My sisters 90005 made 90006 me 90005 up 90006 for my graduation party. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 mix 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 up 90006 90011 90004 confuse two or more things 90011 90004 I 90005 mixed up 90006 the twins ‘names again! 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 pass away 90006 90011 90004 die 90011 90004 His uncle 90005 passed away 90006 last night after a long illness.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 pass out 90006 90011 90004 faint 90011 90004 It was so hot in the church that an elderly lady 90005 passed out 90006. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 pass 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 out 90006 90011 90004 give the same thing to many people 90011 90004 The professor 90005 passed 90006 the textbooks 90005 out 90006 before class. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 pass 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 up 90006 90011 90004 decline (usually something good) 90011 90004 I 90005 passed up 90006 the job because I am afraid of change.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 pay 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90005 back 90006 90011 90004 return owed money 90011 90004 Thanks for buying my ticket. I’ll 90005 pay 90006 you 90005 back 90006 on Friday. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 pay for 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 be punished for doing something bad 90011 90004 That bully will 90005 pay for 90006 being mean to my little brother. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 pick 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 out 90006 90011 90004 choose 90011 90004 I 90005 picked out 90006 three sweaters for you to try on.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 point 90006 90007 somebody / something 90008 90005 out 90006 90011 90004 indicate with your finger 90011 90004 I’ll 90005 point 90006 my boyfriend 90005 out 90006 when he runs by. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 put 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 down 90006 90011 90004 put what you are holding on a surface or floor 90011 90004 You can 90005 put 90006 the groceries 90005 down 90006 on the kitchen counter. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 put 90006 90007 somebody 90008 90005 down 90006 90011 90004 insult, make somebody feel stupid 90011 90004 The students 90005 put 90006 the substitute teacher 90005 down 90006 because his pants were too short.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 put 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 off 90006 90011 90004 postpone 90011 90004 We are 90005 putting off 90006 our trip until January because of the hurricane. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 put 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 out 90006 90011 90004 extinguish 90011 90004 The neighbours 90005 put 90006 the fire 90005 out 90006 before the firemen arrived. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 put 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 together 90006 90011 90004 assemble 90011 90004 I have to 90005 put 90006 the crib 90005 together 90006 before the baby arrives.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 put up with 90006 90007 somebody / something 90008 90011 90004 tolerate 90011 90004 I do not think I can 90005 put up with 90006 three small children in the car. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 put 90006 90007 something 90008 90005 on 90006 90011 90004 put clothing / accessories on your body 90011 90004 Do not forget to 90005 put on 90006 your new earrings for the party. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 run into 90006 90007 somebody / something 90008 90011 90004 meet unexpectedly 90011 90004 I 90005 ran into 90006 an old school-friend at the mall.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 run over 90006 90007 somebody / something 90008 90011 90004 drive a vehicle over a person or thing 90011 90004 I accidentally 90005 ran over 90006 your bicycle in the driveway. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 run over / through 90006 90007 something 90008 90011 90004 rehearse, review 90011 90004 Let’s 90005 run over / through 90006 these lines one more time before the show. 90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 run away 90006 90011 90004 leave unexpectedly, escape 90011 90004 The child 90005 ran away 90006 from home and has been missing for three days.90011 90020 90003 90004 90005 run out 90006 90011 90004 have none left 90011 90004 We 90005 ran out 90006 of shampoo 90011 90020 92503.

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